Factoid: 80 percent of donated hair is unusable for wigs.



Charities overflowing with donated hair

By Elizabeth Hayt

New York Times News Service

September 19, 2007

A stream of girls in green T-shirts bustled into the gym at Seton 
High School in Cincinnati last May, scrambled into folding chairs and 
bowed their heads. As more than 400 spectators counted down, 
volunteers pulled the girls' locks taut into ponytails and, on cue, 
sheared off 8 inches, creating blond, brunet and raven pompoms that 
many girls shook and twirled.

The newly shorn -- more than 200 students, siblings and friends -- 
had been preparing for this cut-a-thon for months, growing their hair 
for Pantene Beautiful Lengths, a charitable program that makes wigs 
for women facing cancer treatment. Jen Sherman, 16, a junior, 
participated because her mother and aunt died of cancer.

"I did it for them, as a way to remember them," said Jen. "It felt 
really special."

Forget collecting pennies for UNICEF or washing cars to raise money 
for hospitals. One of the most popular ways young people are 
contributing to charity these days is growing their hair long and 
donating it for wigs for children and women with serious diseases.

It's not just teenagers. Biker clubs have organized cut-a-thons. The 
NBC news anchor Ann Curry lopped off the actress Diane Lane's mane on 
the "Today" show last year.

But although charities have been highly effective at stirring the 
passions of donors, they have been less successful at finding a use 
for the mountains of hair sent to them as a result. As much as 80 
percent of the hair donated to Locks of Love, the best known of the 
charities, is unusable for its wigs, the group says. Many people are 
unaware of the hair donation guidelines and send in hair that is 
gray, wet or moldy, too short, or too processed, some of which is 
immediately thrown away. Even hair that survives the winnowing may 
not go to the ill, but may be sold to help pay for charities' costs.

Grappling with deluge

At the headquarters of Locks of Love in Lake Worth, Fla., the hair 
deluge -- up to 2,000 donations a week -- can be daunting for the 
staff of six employees and 10 to 15 volunteers.

"We created this monster because people get so much from it," said 
Madonna Coffman, the president of Locks of Love. "They ... feel 
they're going to help a child."

Some donations thrown away

Locks of Love sends the best of the hair it receives to a wig 
manufacturer, Taylormade Hair Replacement in Millbrae, Calif., which 
weeds through the selection, rejecting up to half.

"We hate throwing it away, but ultimately we have to clear the place 
out," said Greg Taylor, the president and owner of Taylormade. "There 
is a disparity between the hundreds and hundreds of braids and 
ponytails and the number of hairpieces we've produced."

Taylor sells the wigs wholesale to Locks of Love for less than 
$1,000. Since the charity began in December 1997, it has provided 
about 2,000 wigs to recipients for free or a reduced price. The group 
makes clear in its literature and on its Web site that most of the 
wig recipients are not children with cancer. Rather, they are 
children who suffer from alopecia areata, an autoimmune disorder that 
destroys follicles and results in hair loss. About 2 percent of the 
population, including half a million children, are estimated to have 

But many alopecia sufferers seem unaware that they are the group's 
main priority; only about 10 apply for a wig each week, Coffman said. 
Many donors, too, seem ignorant or only partly aware of the group's 
focus. Maggie Varney, a hairdresser and owner of a salon in St. Clair 
Shores, Mich., said she was shocked to learn that hair she collected 
from her clients and sent to Locks of Love was not used for wigs for 
children with cancer. In reaction, she formed her own non-profit, 
Wigs 4 Kids, in 2003, which receives a few dozen donations of hair a 
month that are made into wigs that go predominantly to children with 

Two other groups also serve people with cancer. Pantene Beautiful 
Lengths, started in June last year, has the resources of Pantene, the 
$3 billion global hair product division of Procter & Gamble, 
including teams of publicists who stage cutting fests. Already the 
program has received 18,000 ponytails -- 8,000 more than originally 
projected -- and distributed 2,000 wigs to women with cancer, said 
Seth Klugherz, the North American Pantene brand manager.

Big numbers

Wigs for Kids, the oldest hair donation charity, was started more 
than 25 years ago by Jeffrey Paul, a designer and retailer of 
hairpieces. It receives 600 to 800 donations a month, he said, for 
wigs that usually go to children with cancer, but also to those with 
other medical conditions.

The lesser-known charities receive less unusable hair than Locks of 
Love, which has become almost synonymous with the cause and attracts 
mass donations.

Football player disappointed

Former Chicago Bears defensive back R.W. McQuarters, now with the New 
York Giants, donated his dreadlocks to Locks of Love in March. He 
said he wished he had known that they were unacceptable for wigmaking 
and probably ended up in the trash. "I'd rather them send back the 
hair," he said. "I could have sold them on eBay and then taken the 
cash and given it to charity."

In fact, all three of the children's charities sell excess hair -- in 
particular, the short and the gray -- to commercial wigmakers to 
defray costs. According to its tax returns, Locks of Love made $1.9 
million from hair sales from 2001 to 2006, and took in another $3.4 
million in donations. Besides paying for wigs, the money goes for 
overhead and other costs, including grants for alopecia research.

The donations keep rolling in, perhaps because cutting off one's hair 
for charity is an altruistic deed that doesn't require a financial 
contribution, which may be why it appeals so much to children. It is 
also an intimate act that suggests an instant result, said Bennett 
Weiner, the chief operating officer of the Better Business Bureau's 
Wise Giving Alliance, a national monitor of charities. "People like 
the feeling that their gift will be helping now," Weiner said.

Most of those who give are adolescent girls, such as Eliza Stuber of 
Albany, Calif. At her bat mitzvah ceremony in July last year, she 
announced her intention to donate her brown tresses to Locks of Love.

Lately boys and even men have gotten into the act, like Brennan 
Blomgren, 17, from St. Paul, Minn., who gave a foot of his blond mop 
to Pantene Beautiful Lengths. He also held a public cutting event for 
the charity in December at the Mall of America. 

Copyright © 2007, Chicago Tribune

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