I know this is off-topic, but I just wanted to comment on this as it will
be mentioned over and over again by the Democratic National Committee (as
it was 4 years ago and in elections prior).

In 1998, I contacted Bob Jones University regarding their
anti-miscegenationist dating/marriage policy.  I received a letter from
BJU, which I promptly posted online here:


Then, being the agitator I am, I decided to test their policy and applied
for admission - with no intention of attending.  Their online application
actually asked for both the race of a student AND spouse.  I dutifully
filled in such data, as the experiment would not work if I didn't.  I
received the following response:


After posting this online, it was picked up by NPR, LA Times, several wire
services and was mentioned in a dozen or so books - and even in testimony
by Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee

As has been the case in the past, the rotten affair is renewed with the
election cycle:


While I don't endorse the sabre-rattling, can't make a decent retraction
of her prior support for big-ass wars Senator from New York, I won't be
unhappy if the Freshmen Senator from Illinois wins the nomination.  I
granted Vice President Gore's campaign permission to use the letters and
my name in their PR during his campaign against Gov. Bush, and eventually
the DNC started to do so as well - which is fine.  But, my permission to
use said materials does not constitute an endorsement of certain people
either.  It is merely factual - and this issue has no legs if idiots like
Romney stop kissing the ring at BJU.

Further, as an agnostic heathen and long-time nonconformist, and in the
interest of full disclosure - I had zero intention of attending BJU.  I
did, however, intend to cause mischief and create awareness.

Mischief managed.

James Landrith
cell: 703-593-2065 * fax: 760-875-8547
AIM: jlnales * ICQ: 148600159
MSN and Yahoo! Messenger: jlandrith

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