My wife and I came across a movie that I cannot believe I didn't see in school. I've never seen this before. It would have completely turned up my passion for science fiction filmmaking had I seen this in college. I have just seen a film made in 1946 that could have very well have been made the other day. It is called "A Matter of Life And Death", which is sometimes referred to as "Stairway To Heaven", and it is one of the most ambitious science fiction pictures I've seen in a long time. So it's "the war". There's a squadron leader, an English dude, played by David Niven. His plane's going down. His crew is dead. He has no parachute but doesn't want to burn up when the plane hits. So he jumps. Before he jumps, he gets on the radio and tells whoever answers of his situation and his plan. It's an American woman stationed near the island he's going down near. This is important, but later. He jumps. The plane crashes...and the dude lives. In 2007, this would be the end of the movie. But dig it. Cut to: HEAVEN. His squad is in the afterlife and they are all waiting on him, because according to the book of life...he's supposed to have died in the crash. So they messed up, and he's still alive. They have to go get him to balance out the books. There's one problem. Not only has the dude survived, but he ends up on the same island as the American woman. They fall in love. The American woman's hair does not move for 2 hours. I mean, her hair should be in the credits. Outside, inside, 100%'s all good! Anyway, There are some really trippy scenes and some "this is a science fiction movie" clichés that I won't ruin for you, but I have to tell you the good part. There is a TRIAL. Because, you see had he died, as scheduled, he would not have fallen in love with ol' girl, and so now that he has, he feels that he has a case...against the Afterlife. This movie was a lot of fun to watch. I love Turner Classic Movies channel because there are no commercials and every now and again they pull some real gems out to show. This was one. You can get this movie on VHS and DVD at Amazon. 1?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=center-41&pf_rd_r=0H3GRG8XRCH7AZMB2VFY&pf_rd _t=201&pf_rd_p=316286001&pf_rd_i=B0001LJCQG Many of you HAVE to have seen this movie already, but if you're like me, and this is news, do yourself a favor and track it down. It is the perfect date movie if you married to someone who is so-so about sci-fi but digs an old romance movie.