DNA Tests Find Branches but Few Roots


Published: November 25, 2007

HENRY LOUIS GATES JR., whose PBS special "African American Lives" explores
the ancestry of famous African-Americans using DNA testing, has done more
than anyone to help popularize such tests and companies that offer them.
But recently this Harvard professor has become one of the industry's

Mr. Gates says his concerns date back to 2000, when a company told him his
maternal ancestry could most likely be traced back to Egypt, probably to
the Nubian ethnic group. Five years later, however, a test by a second
company startled him. It concluded that his maternal ancestors were not
Nubian or even African, but most likely European.

Why the completely different results? Mr. Gates said the first company
never told him he had multiple genetic matches, most of them in Europe.
"They told me what they thought I wanted to hear," Mr. Gates said.

An estimated 460,000 people have taken genetic tests to determine their
ancestry or to expand their known family trees, according to Science
magazine. Census records, birth and death certificates, ship manifests,
slave narratives and other documents have become easier to find through
the Internet, making the hunt for family history less daunting than in
years past.

Yet for many, the paper or digital trail eventually ends. And for those
who have reached that point, genetic DNA tests may help to provide the
final piece of the puzzle.

The expectations and reasons for taking the test vary. For some, the test
allows them to reconnect with African ancestors after centuries of slavery
wiped out links between African-Americans and their forebears. Others want
to see if they have links to historical figures like Genghis Khan or Marie
Antoinette. For still others, it's an attempt to fill gaps in family
histories and find distant cousins they might not otherwise have known.

The demand has spawned an industry. Almost two dozen companies now offer
such services, up from just two or three only six years ago. The field is
so hot that private equity investors have moved in: Spectrum Equity
Investors recently bought, an online genealogy site, for
about $300 million shortly after the site added genetic testing as a

But as the number of test takers and companies has grown, so has the
number of scientists or scholars like Mr. Gates who have questioned
assertions that companies make about their tests. One of the most
controversial issues is the ability of the tests to determine the country
or the ethnic group of origin for African-Americans or Native Americans.

Mr. Gates, director of the W.E.B. Du Bois Institute for African and
African American Research at Harvard, said his experience and similar
stories from others have prompted him to enter the field.

Mr. Gates recently teamed up with Family Tree DNA, a DNA testing and
genealogy firm in Houston, to provide genetic testing and genealogy work
for African-Americans. The new venture is called AfricanDNA.

"What we hope to do is combine this with genealogical and other records to
try to help people discover their roots," he said. "The limitations of
current genetic DNA tests mean you can't rely on this alone to tell you
anything. We hope to bring a little order to the field."

In an editorial in Science magazine in October, a number of scientists and
scholars said companies might not be fully explaining the limitations of
genetic testing, or what results actually mean.

The authors said that limited information in the databases used to compare
DNA results might lead people to draw the wrong conclusions or to
misinterpret results. The tests trace only a few of a customer's ancestors
and cannot tell exactly where ancestors might have lived, or the specific
ethnic group to which they might have belonged. And the databases of many
companies are not only small - they're also proprietary, making it hard to
verify results.

"My concern is that the marketing is coming before the science," said Troy
Duster, a professor of sociology at New York University who was an adviser
on the Human Genome Project and an author of the Science editorial.

"People are making life-changing decisions based on these tests and may
not be aware of the limitations," he added. "While I don't think any of
the companies are deliberately misleading customers, they may have a
financial incentive to tell people what they want to hear."

Bennett Greenspan, founder and president of Family Tree DNA, said his
company sometimes has to tell clients just the opposite. "We'll have
people who may think that they have a certain type of ancestry and we'll
tell them based on the test they are not," he said. "I can only tell them
what the tests show, nothing more. And sometimes it's not what they want
to hear."

HERE'S how the test works: A customer swabs his or her cheeks and gums,
collects microscopic tissue samples and sends them to a laboratory. The
lab extracts and digitizes the DNA and sends the results back to the
companies. Using computer software, the companies try to identify matches
between the customer's DNA and those in their databases.

The test, which costs $100 to $900, typically comes in two forms. One test
analyzes mitochondrial DNA, which reveals information only about a
person's maternal line, traced back through the mother's mother to other
female forebears (but not the males, because mitochondrial DNA is passed
to all children only from their mothers).

The second test looks at the Y chromosome, which can provide clues only
about a customer's paternal line - so only men can take the Y-chromosome

Several companies, including DNA Tribes of Arlington, Va., also offer a
test that examines the DNA contribution of both parents. These tests are
the most controversial because many scientists say there isn't enough data
yet to get accurate results.

Mitochondrial and Y-chromosome tests combined reveal information
pertaining to just 1 percent of a person's DNA. But testing companies say
that this 1 percent can reveal a lot about a person and bridge gaps in
paper records. Mr. Greenspan said that anyone who starts to research his
or her family history will eventually encounter roadblocks.

"This is where DNA comes in and offers clues that might otherwise never be
known," said Mr. Greenspan, who started Family Tree DNA in 2000, after
encountering his own roadblocks while researching his Jewish ancestry.
"Can it answer all your questions? No. But used in combination with other
tools, it can be extremely helpful."

Gina M. Paige, president of African Ancestry Inc., based in Washington,
said the DNA tests could be even more important for people whose lineage
is loosely or sparsely documented.

"For most African-Americans, there is no paper trail," Ms. Paige said.
Speaking of her company, she added, "we make money, but we see this as a
service to a people who have been cut off from their history and culture."

Sharing that view is the actor Isaiah Washington, formerly of "Grey's
Anatomy" and now appearing on "Bionic Woman" on NBC. After taking a DNA
test to determine his ancestry in 2005, he says African Ancestry told him
that his maternal ancestors most likely came from the Mende people in
Sierra Leone. "I was excited because I didn't know what to expect," he
said. "I remember watching ‘Roots' when I was young and it stuck with me.
I always wanted to know where my ancestors came from before slavery, and
here you have the science telling you."

Still, Benjamin Todd Jealous, president of the Rosenberg Foundation in San
Francisco, a nonprofit group that finances social programs, said it's
important that customers not expect too much from DNA tests. Family Tree
DNA examined the DNA of Mr. Jealous's grandfather before he died last
year. The test showed both European and African ancestry, which wasn't
surprising to family members, but it also connected them to an ethnic
group in Africa that they had never heard of.

"Over all, I think we were satisfied with the service we received," Mr.
Jealous said. "But again, it's a relatively new area, so we went in not
expecting a lot. Some people are looking for definite answers."

The author Edward Ball had a different experience with DNA ancestry tests.

A native of Savannah, Ga., Mr. Ball has a new book, "The Genetic Strand,"
(Simon & Schuster) that explores his family history through DNA. He became
intrigued when he found labeled hair samples of various family members
hidden in a drawer; some of the hair was more than 100 years old. He sent
it to various companies for DNA testing. The first tests found that some
of the family's DNA was American Indian. Another company found African
genes in his family tree, but no Native American ones. Then he was told by
one of the various experts he consulted that the DNA most likely
originated in Northern Europe. Mr. Ball didn't know what to believe.

"My sense of family and identity were radically altered," he said. "Then
it simply became confusing after getting ambiguous and contradictory

EVEN some early proponents of DNA testing for ancestry have doubts about
how useful the tests are.

Bert Ely, a geneticist at the University of South Carolina, was a
co-founder of the African-American DNA Roots Project in 2000, hoping to
use DNA tests as a way to find connections between African-Americans and
ethnic groups in Africa.

"I originally thought that the mitochondrial DNA test might be a good way
for African-Americans to trace their country of origin," Mr. Ely said.
"Now I'm coming to the opposite conclusion."

Last October, he matched the DNA sequences of 170 African-Americans
against those of 3,725 people living in Africa. He found that most
African-Americans had genetic similarities to numerous ethnic groups in
Africa, making it impossible to match African-Americans with a single
ethnic group, as some companies assert they can do.

Mr. Ely also published a paper in which he tried to determine whether the
country of origin of native Africans could be found by using mitochondrial
DNA tests. Several of the Africans in the study matched multiple ethnic
groups. For example, DNA results for a person from Ghana provided genetic
matches with people in 20 African countries.

Other scientists have raised issues with the way companies analyze and
present results. Of particular concern is the use of statistical methods
to determine ancestry when there are multiple matches to different ethnic
groups. Companies don't always make it clear that the results are
estimates, not definitive matches.

It's not that the tests are wrong, scientists say. Most companies use the
same methods and, in some cases, the same labs to extract DNA from
samples. But even the largest databases have only a few thousand records
in them, and some areas and populations are sampled more than others. Most
companies get data from information published in publicly available
research papers; few collect samples themselves. Scientists emphasize that
much of this data was gathered for other purposes and was never intended
to be used for personal genealogical testing.

For their part, testing companies say they continually update their
databases to get a larger number of samples.

AS part of the reporting for this article, I decided to submit my own
samples for a mitochondrial DNA test. "Roots" had left an impression on
me, as it had on Mr. Washington. Like most African-Americans, I longed to
know where I came from. Could tests tell me?

I often travel to Africa, and no matter where I go, someone will say that
I must belong to one of the ethnic groups there. I've always wondered if
any of them could be right. Could I really be an Igbo or a Mende?

There were also stories in my family about Native American or European
ancestry. What, if any, of this was true?

Six weeks after I submitted the first samples, the results started to roll
in. Every company told me that my mother's female ancestors were all
African. But after that, things got murky.

African Ancestry said my DNA was a match with that of the Mende and Kru
people from Liberia. Family Tree DNA's database showed a match with one
person who was Mende. But my DNA also matched that of several other
groups, like the Songhai in Mali, and various ethnic groups from
Mozambique and Angola. Other peoples cited were the Futa-Fula (also known
as the Fulani), who live in eight African nations, and the Bambara, who
are primarily in Mali.

Why so many? "We try to be brutally honest and give you everything the
test results show," said Mr. Greenspan of Family Tree DNA. "If there are
multiple matches, we're going to show you that."

Mr. Ely's African-American DNA Roots Project, which examined DNA sequences
that other companies provided to me, confirmed many matches from Family
Tree DNA and African Ancestry, but added additional ethnic groups. DNA
Tribes, whose test shows DNA results from a combination of genetic
material from both parents, added even more ethnic matches.

I once thought that my ancestors, like those of most African-Americans,
would have come from West Africa. But some of the results showed links to
regions that I had thought weren't engaged in the slave trade with the
United States - like Mozambique. But then a search of the TransAtlantic
Slave Trade database, which was compiled from slave ship records, showed
that some Africans from Mozambique did indeed end up in the United States.
So maybe the Mozambique results were possible.

The companies also offered technical support to understand the results,
and I spent considerable time trying to make sense of them. I learned a
lot about how they reached conclusions, but not much about where I or my
ancestors ultimately came from.

"What this all means is that you can't take one of these tests and go off
and say you're this or that," Mr. Gates said. "Somewhere down the road,
the results could change and you might have another group of people who
might also be your genetic cousins."

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