some spoilers....

yeah, i posted about it last week, when this aired. Last night was a rerun.  i 
loved it. Watching all the forces attack the Fire Nation, then lose when the 
tables were turned.  You know, they keep finding new ways to show how the 
Bending arts work. Did you see the Water Benders use the water to flip the 
tanks over?  How about the way Kitara uses water like a whip or sword? And Toth 
is the girl! She is the first Earth Bender ever to learn how to bend 
metal--something previously though impossible.  This show was almost as good as 
the season ender from last season when Azula zapped Ang with lightning while he 
was in the Avatar state. Almost...

if you saw last season, you know the Fire Nation was prepared for the attack 
because the Earth King, fooled into thinking Azula was on his side, told her of 
the solar eclipse and the plan to use it for the attack. Azula came into 
Ba-Sing-Se in disguise, pretending to be one of the lady fighters from season 
one (the same group from which Socka's love originated). As for the solar 
eclipse, Socka discovered the upcoming eclipse in an ancient underground 
library that held all the world's knowledge. he tricked the serpent-bird 
guardian into getting the info, then spent weeks preparing for the attack.  
Azula so intimidated the leader of the Earth King's secret police (which really 
runs Ba-Sing-Se, not the king) that the secret police switched allegiance to 
her.  They turned on the man who lead them and switched to Azula. Thus, armed 
with the knowledge of the invasion, and many Earth Benders (who may be the most 
overall powerful of the Benders) Azula had  the Fire Nation ready for the att

Loved this show! Did you see Azula evade Ang while she was de-powered? That 
girl is amazing. Evil, but amazing.  Azula is one of the best fighters around. 
Period. She is possibly only equaled or surpassed by her Uncle Iro (when she 
tried to zap her brother, Iro was actually able to reroute the lightning), her 
father the Fire Lord, and possibly, her brother, who seems to be finding his 
courage and confidence. Speaking of, did you see when Zuko confronted the Fire 
Lord, and *he* deflected his dad's lightning? Awesome!  Iro is probably my 
favorite character. He is tragic and noble and funny, and has grown. You 
learned there was something different about Iro when he told the Fire Lord 
general that complete elimination of any of hte Bending arts would be a 
catastrophe. You got a clue that he alone among the Fire Nation leaders 
understood the need for balance, and might have been changing his ideas about 
the conquest.  

Iro and Zuko have grown in so many ways it's amazing, especially Zuko. all that 
anger and frustration, the way he betrayed the Avatar at the end of season two. 
(if you haven't seen the last two or three eps of last season, you *must* do 
so!) I'm thinking in the end, Zuko will have to confront Azula; and I wonder if 
Iro might not be the one to take on his younger brother the Fire Lord instead 
of Ang (the Fire Lord usurped the throne when their father died, because Iro 
was away sieging Ba-Sing-Se and sick with grief over the death of his son. Iro 
is the rightful ruler, but never challenged his brother for the throne).  

"Avatar" gets better with every season, which is why i'm so annoyingly 
persistent in crowing about it. With iro escaped, Zuko now siding with Ang, 
Azula pissed, and Zuko's mother possibly being alive, the intrigues just keep 
coming. can't wait for what else is on the horizon....

-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: "Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> Keith and any others who watch Avatar. Did you see the two part episode 
> where that attack the fire nation? I thought it was fantastic, but it 
> left me very sad. I can't believe this little Nicktoon has had such an 
> impact on me. I was a little disappointed about what Azula knew. What 
> did you think about it? If you post spoilers, post a warning at the top. 
> Yahoo! Groups Links 

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