I am completely unsure what to think about Night doing an Avatar movie. It's 
one of those things where just trying to do a live action version makes one 
nervous already. And I just don't see anything in Night's past body of work 
(much of which i love) that makes me think he'll capture the tone of Avatar 
faithfully. I just don't know, but as is typical for me, think i'd rather see a 
feature length animated version than a live action film...

-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: "Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
I forgot about the idiot king spilling all to Azula. I do love this 
show, but I never known when it is going to come on or how to get my 
husband into it, so I always end up seeing it on On-Demand, which is not 
bad, since there are no commercials, I agree that the show continues to 
evolve. I can't wait to see what these guys do next. If you ask me, it 
barely resembles the cute kids show it started out with. I can see why 
it continues to attract an increasing number of adults. Too bad this is 
the last season. What do you think about M. Night doing the live action 

> some spoilers....
> yeah, i posted about it last week, when this aired. Last night was a 
> rerun. i loved it. Watching all the forces attack the Fire Nation, 
> then lose when the tables were turned. You know, they keep finding new 
> ways to show how the Bending arts work. Did you see the Water Benders 
> use the water to flip the tanks over? How about the way Kitara uses 
> water like a whip or sword? And Toth is the girl! She is the first 
> Earth Bender ever to learn how to bend metal--something previously 
> though impossible. This show was almost as good as the season ender 
> from last season when Azula zapped Ang with lightning while he was in 
> the Avatar state. Almost...
> if you saw last season, you know the Fire Nation was prepared for the 
> attack because the Earth King, fooled into thinking Azula was on his 
> side, told her of the solar eclipse and the plan to use it for the 
> attack. Azula came into Ba-Sing-Se in disguise, pretending to be one 
> of the lady fighters from season one (the same group from which 
> Socka's love originated). As for the solar eclipse, Socka discovered 
> the upcoming eclipse in an ancient underground library that held all 
> the world's knowledge. he tricked the serpent-bird guardian into 
> getting the info, then spent weeks preparing for the attack. Azula so 
> intimidated the leader of the Earth King's secret police (which really 
> runs Ba-Sing-Se, not the king) that the secret police switched 
> allegiance to her. They turned on the man who lead them and switched 
> to Azula. Thus, armed with the knowledge of the invasion, and many 
> Earth Benders (who may be the most overall powerful of the Benders) 
> Azula had the Fire Nation ready for the att
> ack.
> Loved this show! Did you see Azula evade Ang while she was de-powered? 
> That girl is amazing. Evil, but amazing. Azula is one of the best 
> fighters around. Period. She is possibly only equaled or surpassed by 
> her Uncle Iro (when she tried to zap her brother, Iro was actually 
> able to reroute the lightning), her father the Fire Lord, and 
> possibly, her brother, who seems to be finding his courage and 
> confidence. Speaking of, did you see when Zuko confronted the Fire 
> Lord, and *he* deflected his dad's lightning? Awesome! Iro is probably 
> my favorite character. He is tragic and noble and funny, and has 
> grown. You learned there was something different about Iro when he 
> told the Fire Lord general that complete elimination of any of hte 
> Bending arts would be a catastrophe. You got a clue that he alone 
> among the Fire Nation leaders understood the need for balance, and 
> might have been changing his ideas about the conquest.
> Iro and Zuko have grown in so many ways it's amazing, especially Zuko. 
> all that anger and frustration, the way he betrayed the Avatar at the 
> end of season two. (if you haven't seen the last two or three eps of 
> last season, you *must* do so!) I'm thinking in the end, Zuko will 
> have to confront Azula; and I wonder if Iro might not be the one to 
> take on his younger brother the Fire Lord instead of Ang (the Fire 
> Lord usurped the throne when their father died, because Iro was away 
> sieging Ba-Sing-Se and sick with grief over the death of his son. Iro 
> is the rightful ruler, but never challenged his brother for the throne).
> "Avatar" gets better with every season, which is why i'm so annoyingly 
> persistent in crowing about it. With iro escaped, Zuko now siding with 
> Ang, Azula pissed, and Zuko's mother possibly being alive, the 
> intrigues just keep coming. can't wait for what else is on the horizon....
> -------------- Original message --------------
> From: "Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)" 
> <mailto:tdlists%40multiculturaladvantage.com>>
> > Keith and any others who watch Avatar. Did you see the two part episode
> > where that attack the fire nation? I thought it was fantastic, but it
> > left me very sad. I can't believe this little Nicktoon has had such an
> > impact on me. I was a little disappointed about what Azula knew. What
> > did you think about it? If you post spoilers, post a warning at the 
> top.
> >
> >
> >
> > Yahoo! Groups Links
> >
> >
> >
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