

Thanks for no memory

The Information Age has exceeded our brains' storage capacity

By Barry Gottlieb

December 24, 2007

We're not getting dumber, we're getting fuller. And I don't mean our
stomachs, I mean our brains. Think about it. Once upon a time all we
needed to know was "Animal big. Me get smooshed," "Berries pretty. Ogg
no breathe," and "Feet hurt. Wish me have wheel."

But life isn't that simple anymore. Nowadays we have a lot more on our
minds, from what we have to do at work to how we're going to find the
time to do it when we're not at work, from what order to push the
buttons on the microwave so the chicken defrosts instead of turning to
rubber to remembering which of the 247 channels that scroll by on the
Preview Guide we actually get, because, lord knows, whenever a show
catches our eye all we wind up seeing is a message telling us the
phone number to call to subscribe.

I guess that's why the Preview Guide has such high ratings, higher
even than the final episode of "Dancing with the American Survivor
Runway Idol Stars."

It's easy to confuse ignorance with a full brain. A recent poll taken
in England (motto: "We had the euro named after us, what's been named
after you?") found that 3 out of 4 Brits think Mt. Everest is either
in the Alps or in England. And that a Sherpa is the new SUV by Ford.
OK, kidding about the Sherpa, but that's only because Ford didn't
think of it.

Though it would be easy to blame the Brits' lack of knowledge on an
education system that's as good as their teeth or sausage rolls
clogging their carotid arteries, that wouldn't be fair. The British
have a lot on their minds these days. Tony Blair is gone and they're
stuck with a prime minister who's duller than a powdered wig, Helen
Mirren turned out to be a better queen than the Queen, and now it
looks like the much-hoped-for Led Zeppelin-Spice Girls reunion tour
isn't going to happen because Victoria wouldn't stop telling Jimmy
Page to bend the notes like Beckham. With all that going on, who cares
about Mt. Whatever-It-Is?

Yes, our brains are saturated. The Information Age begat the Overload
Years, and now it's hard to know what to hold onto and what to send to
the Recycle Bin. We can remember what night and time our favorite TV
shows are on but think "54-40 or Fight" is the ad slogan for an
anti-aging cream. We can type http://www.face book.com in our sleep --
and often do -- but for the life of us we can't remember how to find
the calculator on our cell phone when we need it. Heck, ET had it
easier when he tried to phone home than we do with the average cell
phone today. I don't know about you, but if my home phone number
wasn't in speed dial I wouldn't be able to call home.

Recently, White House press secretary Dana Perino was on the "Not My
Job" segment of the National Public Radio program, "Wait Wait, Don't
Tell Me!" She admitted that she had been at a loss when asked at a
news conference if Russian President Vladimir Putin thought our
missile defense program was like the Cuban missile crisis because she
didn't know a Cuban missile crisis from a Cuban sandwich. When she got
home she asked her British husband, who filled her in, though it would
be interesting to find out if he knows where Mt. Everest is.

Ignorant? Uneducated? Doubtful. She probably heard about the Cuban
missile crisis at one time or another in her life but that was before
her head was jam-packed. After all, she's the president's press
secretary. She has to be full of, uh, information. Lots of it. Not to
mention having to constantly figure out ways to explain what the
president really meant while at the same time trying not to forget the
Santeria curse that's supposed to make Helen Thomas invisible.

We often hear that we use only 10 percent of our brains, which could
help explain why they get so full so easily. Of course that means the
other 90 percent is filler, empty neurons designed to keep our brain
from sloshing around in our skull when we dance. But this is an urban
legend. We do, in fact, use our whole brain, which is good because the
idea that 90 percent of our brain is cellular bubble wrap that we
can't put on the floor and roll a chair over is depressing.

But the brain is trapped inside our skull, meaning it can't get any
bigger, so there's only a finite amount of information it can contain.
This explains why we need help remembering the simplest things.
Luckily, I have all my contacts synced up to my cell phone or I
wouldn't be able to call anyone. I have bookmarks in my browser so I
can remember the sites I want to go to, a program that automatically
remembers and fills in my passwords -- which are all the same, but
still -- and I single-handedly keep 3M in business with all my Post-it

Having all these helpers means I don't need to remember any of that
information. And I don't. Which has made me stupider than I would be
without the helpers.

Honestly, I get afraid that if I put one more piece of information in
my head something important like my Social Security number will fall
out of my ear. There was something else I was going to say just now
but it slipped out when I made a mental note to remember to buy gingko
to help my memory. I sure hope I put it in a to-do list somewhere.


Barry Gottlieb lives in San Francisco.

Copyright © 2007, Chicago Tribune

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