Wow, what a wonderful compliment! Thank you!

I talk a lot about popcorn movies, but I really love the art of filmmaking.
When done right, it's a beautiful art form. Many cinematographers and sound
mixers I admire got started on some really crappy films. And a lot of times
in those movies they do some really creative work that slips by the studios
and makes it to the screen. When a director has a good eye (or trusts their
DP) --  I think it shows.

You have an eye for the written word and how it is brought to life, which
is really, really important. Too many stories are lost in the process of
comic penciling and filmmaking. So to me, we aren't really opposing as much
as we are coming to the same point from different angles. It's like if the
two of us collaborated on the same picture, it would have a serious -- but
funny -- script with solid effects, really balanced camera work -- and the
best looking female cast in the history of cinema!


> although we're diammetrically opposed (see my two responses), and I really
> lament the decline in filmmaking quality among some--those damn fast
> cameras!--i was impressed with how you stated your feelings. You always have
> insightful things to say about movies and pop culture. Obviously you think
> about these things a great deal. I may not always agree with you, but i always
> get food for thought from what you say.
> -------------- Original message --------------
> From: Daryle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> The Lord Of The Rings movies bore me because they move entirely too slow.
> There are entire scenes dedicated to establishing shots. I know I'm
> Generation X and I'm used to MTV style editing and all that, but I just
> think the entire first movie could have been covered in 30 minutes and then
> we could have gotten on with the second film, which is where the action
> sort of was.
> When I saw these movies in a theater I immediately sympathized with people
> who don't like Star Trek. If you've never cared about any of the Trek
> series, and the first time someone sits you down to watch it, it's the
> first movie, you are going to fall asleep. Because it is a long and drawn
> out story about people with whom you have no connection whatsoever.
> I didn't grow up reading Tolkien. I grew up reading Asimov and watching old
> Flash Gordon. When my friends in high school played D&D, I was reading
> Douglas Adams. It's why I don't get "Beowulf". It's why I've never played
> "Zelda".
> So when I watched the movies on DVD, I was able to study the filmmaking. I
> could stop and check the details. I could go get a sandwich. Take a phone
> call. I was impressed by what I saw, because it was like someone had taken
> all this time to put all this data on screen. It was made, in my opinion,
> to stop and take it all in. Freeze frame, slow-mo. The LOTR movies are
> the best argument for HD that I can imagine.
> On 12/22/07 1:26 PM, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> why do you think LOTR bored you at the theatre? what was the difference in
>> your home viewing experience?
>> -------------- Original message --------------
>> From: Daryle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> And here is where the fandom line is sort of drawn. I have said this before,
>> and I will say it again. I saw LOTR in a theater and I have never had such a
>> good sleep outside of my own bed. I tried again with the second picture, and
>> again, fell asleep. These just aren¹t my kind of stories. I can appreciate
>> the production value, but I simply have never cared about these stories. So
>> last year I watched all three on DVD, stayed awake, and was amazed at what I
>> saw. Peter Jackson is a great filmmaker and tells stories better than many
>> of his contemporaries.
>> Raimi has done stories that I DO care about, and I have to say that he is
>> remarkably inconsistent. Consistently FUNNY, but not exactly a string of
>> classics. I like Sam himself more than the pictures he¹s done. WITH THE
>> EXCEPTION of Spider Man 2.
>> On 12/22/07 11:15 AM, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> i gotta disagree on "Hellboy". That movie rocked. And some of the pieces:
>>> the
>>> initial magic working with Nazis, the religious dude, the look and feel of
>>> their headquarters, all show a deft hand with set design, FX, and even CGI.
>>> It's not a direct one-to-one correlation with the world of the Hobbit, but
>>> my
>>> point is the basic skillsets and abilities shown there can be adapted. I
>>> mean,
>>> after Blood Simple (think that was it) and The Frighteners, I never would
>>> have
>>> pegged Jackson to be right for LOTR, but New Line saw something in him...
>>> -------------- Original message --------------
>>> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <>
>>> In a message dated 12/22/2007 1:44:29 AM Eastern Standard Time,
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] <> writes:
>>> for some reason I feel del Toro's immersion in fantasy (Pan's Labyrinth,
>>> Hell
>>> boy) would work, combined with his natural ebullience and childlike sense of
>>> wonder
>>> Pan had other theme intertwined in the movie. The Hobbit is not a mature
>>> prequel. Maybe he could do Tne Simarillion.
>>> Hellboy was a cheap comic book adaptation. It is good for the Sci Fi channel
>>> or FX. I don't see The Hobbit being a sci fi or FX kind of movie. The tone
>>> is
>>> too different. 
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