Good Points.  I love all three.  For some reason, Spock and the Doc more 
than Kirk, but he has a warm spot as well.

> i think it's a mistake to choose one or the other. Each character brings 
> something to Trek. I can't see Star Trek having worked without the Captain 
> Courageous, fierce, ladies man Kirk, as he was the passion and action of the 
> series. But, bringing in the cool, cerebral Spock allowed for some 
> intelletctual commentary, for tackling issues with logic, not emotion, and, 
> curiously, made us look at ourselves as humans more. And, add the third 
> character: the all too human McCoy, who represented our fears and doubts, our 
> distrust of technology and the other, our wish for things just being simple 
> and easy.
> I think it was this trifecta helped make Trek not just another scifi show, 
> but one with heart and soul: Kirk the swashbuckler, McCoy the gadfly and 
> voice of emotion, Spock the voice of reason and logic.  It takes all three to 
> make it work, and focusing on any one to the exclusion of others is missing 
> the heart of Trek.
> -------------- Original message -------------- 
> From: "Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Search for Spock did it for me as well. I know you say your shocked 
> that Shatner would be excluded from the new Movie because he is the star 
> around which the show is based. However, if you look back throughout 
> the series and the movies, I think you might see that frequently Spock 
> is used to bring characters together, to explain key points of a story 
> through his vantage point, or he takes some action that for me often 
> drives the story. In Wrath of Khan, he did that famous "needs of the 
> many line," as you pointed out, "The Search for Spock" had the emotional 
> impact of Kirk and McCoy risking all to save him, and on the voyage 
> home, he provided comic relief to show them being the fish out of water 
> here on earth in the nineties. While I think Kirk is a key ingredient 
> to the Trek legacy that without him it would not likely even exist, I 
> think that for some reason Spock touches the fans in a deeper way, if 
> that is at all possible for a "space western"
> ummmm...I went off topic. oh well, what are you thoughts?
>> Funny about Bourne: everyone i know or read says the third film is the best 
>> in the series. Due to all the amazing action and fight scenes, no doubt. Yet 
>> i still think the first film is the best, because along with the action, it 
>> had the great suspense and mystery as Jason (and we) tried to figure out who 
>> he was. The mix of the suspense, the action, the locales, and his 
>> relationship with his lady made that film really enjoyable. I *love* the 
>> third film, but it didn't reach me as emotionally as the first.
>> this happens to me a lot. For example, from the Star Trek trilogy of films 
>> with the OS crew that started with Khan, most people I know love the Trek 
>> films "Wrath of Khan" (great over-the-top action and acting) or "The Voyage 
>> Home" (fun and funny ). I love those, but the one that stays with me most is 
>> "The Search for Spock" with its emotional impact of Kirk and McCoy risking 
>> all to save a friend. The beginning of Spock's death replayed on black and 
>> white, the obvious sadness of Sarek when he thinks Spock's essence is gone? 
>> Powerful. The scene of the Enterprise falling from the sky, Kirk looking at 
>> saying "My God, Bones, What have i done". Chokes me up even now. Kirk's son 
>> David killed. Sad. The Klingon Bird of Prey soaring through the Vulcan skies 
>> to Mount
>> Seleya? Moving. And the final scene when Spock says "Jim...your name is 
>> Jim". Sends me soaring. all the action and FX and aliens in those movies, 
>> and it's the emotional bits in "Search for Spock" that i keep going back too.
>> Friends will love a movie that's chock full of action and fight and FX, and 
>> I may like a similar film that's similarly action-packed but a little deeper 
>> emotionally, and they roll their eyes at me.
>> -------------- Original message -------------- 
>> Alvin and the C-Munks.... (already covered this sordid affair here)
>> All 3 Bourne movies (DVD marathon today) - excellent as always
>> Over the Hedge - enjoyed this one in the theatre and again on DVD
>> Spent the rest of the time on History Channel.
>> __________________________________________________________
>> James Landrith
>> cell: 703-593-2065 * fax: 760-875-8547
>> AIM: jlnales * ICQ: 148600159
>> MSN and Yahoo! Messenger: jlandrith
>> __________________________________________________________
>> Tracey said:
>>> Hey Gang:
>>> What movies did you watch over the holidays? The would include in the
>> theatre, on DVD, and on TV. What movies did you like and which were
>> duds?
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