Now that is a bit too stereotypical for the bunch I ran into, but I will say 
that they had their ideas about northern-born blacks...By the way, I love don't think that had anything to do with my mom being from 
Georgia, do you?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  just seems so quaint and Southern, sitting in the 
parlour talking. Had y'all not be cousins, next thing you would have ended up 
on the swing chair on the front porch, sippin' lemonade!

-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: Astromancer 
Come on man! a stranger has come over to see your daughter...I have no problem 
with that at all...Besides, I thought it was kind of adorable to have family 
members that protective of you...I guess we'd end up going to a movie or 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Wow, sounds like something from a soap opera!
Out of curiousity, why was Moms listening in to your conversation in the other 
room? This being Savannah and all, were y'all gonna go courtin' in the front 

-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: Astromancer 
I feel you. Keith...When I was stationed in South Carolina, one of the guys in 
my unit set me up with a girl in neighboring Savannah, Georgia, his home town. 
So we went to her house and were introduced. "Where or you from?" she asked me. 
"I'm from Chicago," I replied. "Wow, I have an aunt Clara who lives, there," 
she said excitedly. "Really? so do I," I said in kind "What's her last name?"
"Carter," was her answer. I stopped cold.
" chance do you have any relatives named Bynes?" I asked.
"Yes," she answered.
"What about Badie?"
"Why, yes!"
Oh boy, I thought.
"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, cousin!"
Her mom, who was listening in the other room stuck her head out, along with her 
brother. We all had a good laugh that day, but I never dated another girl in 
Savannah, because I fond that I was practically related to the entire city! 
Meanwhile, David, my buddy sat there saying "Oh no!" So I think I have an idea 
of how you felt... 

When I graduate from high school, my mom sat me down one day and said "I want 
to show you a picture". She showed me a snapshot of a Black girl attending what 
I later found out was a Jack and Jill Ball. "She's gorgeous!" I exclaimed. "Who 
is she?"

"That's your half sister", mom replied.

She went on to tell me that now that I was going to be leaving home, she wanted 
to make sure I didn't accidentally run into my half sister and have something 
like the story below happen. My birth day had about nine kids outside of my and 
my siblings by my birth mom, and I've never met any of them. Since this 
particular half-sister was my age and going to college in the general area, Mom 
wanted to make sure i recognized her in case we met. Since there were still a 
lot of other siblings of my running around I didn't know, when my wife Phyllis 
and I met, there were a lot of questions about her parentage just to be safe.

-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: "Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)" 

> Fri Jan 11, 2008 3:50pm EST 
> LONDON (Reuters) - A couple discovered after they had married that they 
> were twins who had been split up at birth and adopted by separate 
> families, according to a member of Britain's House of Lords. 
> British peer David Alton recounted the story to parliament last month to 
> support his argument that artificially conceived children should be told 
> who their biological parents are. 
> Alton said he had heard the story of the separated twins from a High 
> Court judge who had dealt with the case. 
> "This did not involve in vitro fertilization: It involved the normal 
> birth of twins who were separated at birth and adopted by separate 
> parents," said Alton, an independent member of the Lords. "They were 
> never told that they were twins." 
> "They met later in life and felt an inevitable attraction, and the judge 
> had to deal with the consequences of the marriage that they entered into 
> and all the issues of their separation," he said. 
> "I suspect that it will be a matter of litigation in the future if we do 
> not make information of this kind available to children who have been 
> donor-conceived," he said. 
> Alton could not immediately be reached for comment and no further 
> information was available about the twins or where they were from. 
> "I think it's a very tragic story for the people involved," said Pam 
> Hodgkins, head of a group that helps adults affected by adoption. 
> "It is a lesson that we need to learn and apply to the situation of 
> donor-conceived children," she told Sky News. 
> "Whilst ... nowadays it would be most unusual for siblings to be 
> separated ... the risk of secrecy affecting the lives of people born as 
> a result of egg and sperm donation is exactly the same as the risks that 
> have affected adopted people in the past," she said. 
> (Reporting by Adrian Croft; Editing by Stephen Addison) 
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