Boy did I miss a lot....Curse Comcrap!

Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:          Tracey, maybe it was just obvious to 
me (I've since had a few chats with people in BG groups about this), but 
Billy's mannerisms were always a little on the quirky side to me. Something 
about him just read wonky to me. At times, he was so youthful and naive, and at 
times so wise beyond his years. Yes, that could've been the way his character 
was written. Again, just my read on him. Can't really explain what's in my gut.

"Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I 
like how the president is written on Gallactica. What was obvious 
about the Presidents's assistant being a cylon?

Martin wrote:
> The women of Galactica were cetainly more realistic than those on The V-Word 
> Show, but I wasn't terribly enamored of any of them. Starbuck- I know a 
> couple of female pilots, and both of them have many of Kara's qualities. 
> Boomer never moved me. She jsut seemed to detached from the world to be a 
> viable character. Admiral Forbes was also fairly realistic, but her ruthless 
> tactics (admired by a great many Republicans in the Skiffy forum) really put 
> me off. I can't see any flag-officer being so willing to sacrifice allied 
> civilian lives in the name of winning a war. Cally was- *meh*. Take her or 
> leave her. Tori, Roslin's second assistant, was a great character until the 
> S3 finale. It was readliy obvious that "the President's assistant" was always 
> meant to be a Cylon, and the departure of the actor who played billy simply 
> stuck Tori's character with that job. Didn't fit together. 
> Madame you think we can get her on the '08 ballot?
> "Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I grow up wanting to be Uhura, so she will always be a fave, but top of 
> my list are Jadzia, Kira, Ro and sometimes Janeway - What can I say. I 
> know the character was erratic, but Girlfriend had some big balls. I 
> think Troi and the red-headed doctor definitively had potential for 
> bigger and better things. I do not think in the 60s they were capable 
> of giving Uhura more depth. Most of the women in that series seem to be 
> simply plot devices. Most were obsessed with their looks and seeking 
> reassurance in time of crisis's. The empowered ones always seemed 
> terribly conflicted and often died or went mad. 
> What are your thoughts about the women of Galactica? I would ask you 
> about the women of Stargate, but they never develop characters or 
> relationships on those shows
>> I hear you! I was just thinking about all the regular female characters in 
>> the Trek TV universe: Rand, Uhura, Crusher, Troi, Ensign Ro, Jadzia Dax, 
>> Nerys, Cassidy Yates, Ezri Dax, Janeway, Torres, Kes, Seven of Nine, T'Pol, 
>> Hoshi Sato.
>> You know what's funny? in terms of pure physical, animal instantaneous 
>> appeal, Rand, Uhura, Troi, and Seven win it hands down, all being 
>> curvaceous, pretty women. But in terms of overall appeal, the women I found 
>> most fascinating and attractive, Jadzia is at the top of my list of favorite 
>> Trek females, up there with Ensign Ro, Cassidy Yates, and Kira Nerys. 
>> Indeed, if pressed Jadzia is probably my overall fav Star Trek female as a 
>> complete package: strong, intelligent, capable, as well as attractive. Her 
>> or Cassidy Yates (that actress is cute as hell!)
>> Looking at my choices--Ro, Yates, Nerys, Dax--they're all strong women with 
>> their own minds, their own career paths, who don't cater to men. They remind 
>> me of my wife: strong but beautiful, compassionate, but tough when needed. I 
>> find the more well-rounded women (no pun intended) to be more intriguing 
>> than those like Troi, who are physically hot, but whose characters were 
>> fairly minor or secondary. 
>> I wonder, if Uhura or Troi had been given the chance to stretch like Dax, 
>> Nerys, or Yates, would I put them at the top of my list?
>> -------------- Original message -------------- 
>> From: "Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>>> Sigh... I still want to be Dax when I grow up 
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
>>>> Tracey, 
>>>> Found this entry about Farrell from the Star Trek Wiki: 
>>>> After leaving Deep Space Nine, Farrell stated that, if asked, she would 
>>>> love 
>>> to return to Star Trek to play Jadzia as a clone, Jadzia from another 
>>> universe 
>>> or a hologram. She also stated she grew greatly from playing Dax and that 
>>> she 
>>> wouldn't change a second of her time with Star Trek. 
>>>> It has often been criticized by many fans that her character, Jadzia, was 
>>>> not 
>>> seen as a part of the flashback sequences towards the end of "What You 
>>> Leave 
>>> Behind". This was due to the circumstance that Farrell did not give the 
>>> producers her permission to pictures of her being used in those scenes. 
>>> Although 
>>> a scene was written for Jadzia in the final episode, budget costs meant 
>>> they 
>>> couldn't afford Farrell and the scene was never filmed. 
>>>> At a Star Trek convention in 2007, Farrell said she wished she had not 
>>>> been so 
>>> quick to leave Deep Space Nine, because "Jadzia Dax was the coolest 
>>> character"; 
>>> even Reggie can't compare: "It's hard to go from [playing] a hero to a 
>>> neurotic, 
>>> bad cook," she explained. 
>>>> And below are a couple of excerpts from an interview with Farrell herself 
>>>> a 
>>> few years ago. She left DS9, I think, because the character wasn't growing 
>>> to 
>>> her satisfaction in the last couple of years. (She says as much in the 
>>> official 
>>> Star Trek interview). I think she felt "Becker" would give her more to do 
>>> and 
>>> more exposure. It didn't. There are only rumours why she was fired from 
>>> "Becker": the standard "she wanted more money", or " we just wanted to go 
>>> in a 
>>> different direction. Nothing personal". I bet she was asking for more money 
>>> and 
>>> screentime--and that's not a criticism. An actor wants to act and wants 
>>> good 
>>> material to work with. 
>>>> Anyway the interview excerpts are below. 
>>>> Oh--another bit of trivia i read is that she's married to that dude who 
>>>> did 
>>> the Muldar ripoff character in those "Sprint" commercials, and a claim that 
>>> she 
>>> and Michael Dorn dated for a minute! 
>>>> *********************** 
>>> l 
>>>> What made you decide to leave the show? Do you regret it in any way? What 
>>>> do 
>>> you think of Ezri's character? Soban 
>>>> Terry Farrell: Well first off, I haven't seen the show since the beginning 
>>>> of 
>>> the season. I don't know the Ezri character. It was a very difficult 
>>> decision to 
>>> leave the show but my contract of 6 years was up and I felt in my heart 
>>> that I 
>>> was ready to move on for creative reasons. I went through many struggles 
>>> over 
>>> the decision but I knew something different, more challenging was out there 
>>> for 
>>> me. And so I hope you understand that it was a career decision for me and I 
>>> will 
>>> always love the character of Dax and treasure the time I spent with her. 
>>> And 
>>> now, I have Reggie, so I'll never know if I would have missed the 7th 
>>> season, 
>>> because I'm very happy hanging with Ted Danson. ... 
>>>> Q:Terry, you did a fine job developing Dax's character over the first few 
>>> seasons. But towards the end, it seemed as if she was lost in the shuffle 
>>> by the 
>>> writers. Do you agree? 
>>>> Mark 
>>>> TF: I think it's difficult with 9 regulars in the cast and numerous 
>>> re-occuring guest cast to keep track of the storyline of each of your 
>>> characters. So yes, I think Dax was lost in the last 2 seasons. And that's 
>>> one 
>>> of the reasons I decided it was a good idea to leave, because there wasn't 
>>> much 
>>> for me to do. And I like to work. So now I'm at work everyday. Thank you 
>>> for 
>>> your question. 
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