These articles are very illuminating.

by Ari Melber
They aren't just fighting for delegates anymore. Hillary Clinton and
Barack Obama are now battling at the boundaries of democracy, trading
allegations of voter suppression from the Nevada fallout. Look closely,
though, and much of this boils down to turnout.

Clinton now leads most of the centrist coalition that her husband built.
That includes working class moderates, pro-trade centrists, liberal
hawks, Latinos and most of the traditional Democratic-progressive
establishment – an alliance that delivered two winning pluralities for
Bill Clinton. Obama is trying to build a new, bigger coalition on the
fly. His success depends on mobilizing largely untested voting blocs,
such as people under 30, apolitical independents and cross-over
Republicans -- those "Obamacans" -- while consolidating his base of
affluent liberals and Blacks.

The first three contests suggest that either tack can work.

Clinton can (narrowly) win a traditional Democratic electorate, like New
Hampshire and Nevada. She won 51 percent of Democrats in Nevada this
weekend, compared to 39 percent for Obama, who relied on independents
for the rest of his support. But Obama can triumph in a higher turnout
universe, such as an Iowa Caucus flooded by new and young voters, who
comprised a third of his backing there.

So based on the results so far, lower voter turnout portends a Clinton
nomination. And lately, Clinton supporters have tried tactics to limit
turnout. There was that last-minute lawsuit to restrict voter access in
Nevada, which Bill Clinton staunchly defended. A court rejected the
controversial ploy. In a conference call on Sunday, the Obama Campaign
alleged that Clinton supporters suppressed participation in 200
incidents at Nevada Caucus sites on Saturday afternoon, in violation of
party rules. The Clinton Campaign denied the charge and criticized the
Obama campaign for peddling "false claims," and there were also reports
of Obama backers pressuring voters in Nevada.

Modern Democratic presidential primaries do not usually devolve into
allegations of voter suppression. And it's particularly rare for a
former U.S. President to flatly defend a lawsuit designed to
disenfranchise voters – a nasty tactic so baldly undemocratic that it is
usually pushed solely by lawyers and surrogates, while the potential
beneficiaries remain silent.

But at bottom, these disputes also reflect the campaigns' drastically
different orientations. Clinton's winning formula is to unite the
traditional Democratic electorate, assuming traditional turnout. Obama's
path to victory is bolder but more improbable: Leading the party past
pluralities to a new, post-partisan true majority. Maybe these
suppression disputes will push voters to think about which course is
more appealing, or more inspiring, or just more likely to work.

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