(standing ovation)

"Lockhart, Daryle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                               
 I DVR'ed this show, and after watching a really interesting CNBC show  
 about Nike, I pressed play. I didn't make it though 12 minutes of this  
 show. There was better acting AND better car shots in "Fast and the  
 Furious: Tokyo Drift". Yes, the cars were better actors in that movie than  
 in this show. I really hope Ford didn't PAY to get the Cobra in this show,  
 because UNTIL I SAW this show, I thought it was a cool car. Now I  
 wouldn't  be caught dead in it. Which is a really weird thing, because  
 even today when you see a Black Trans Am, someone says "Knight Rider!".  
 All I could think during the whole time I watched was "someone got paid to  
 write this." And who ARE the actors in this show? Where did they COME from?
 This show is why Ronald D. Moore deserves some kind of special Emmy. BSG  
 is the only remake of an 80s show that has worked. The ONLY.
 At this point, there should be a show that combines 'A-Team', 'VIP',  
 'Renegade', and 'Hunter', so that there would be one bad show on at a  
 fixed time, just like Baywatch, that  would run for 15 years. This way we  
 don't have to bother with shows like this...new actors could test their  
 chops on the one bad show, and then break out from there. Consider all the  
 lessons Dick Wolf learned from producing "New York Undercover". Law &  
 Order is a better show because of it.
 On Tue, 19 Feb 2008 05:02:51 -0500, Astromancer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 > Sounds like a Ford to me...
 > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  Uh, George, it was *two* hours, you  
 > know! :)
 > I agree: after one gets over the whole talking AI car bit, there's  
 > nothing left. And as "The Hoff" himself said, since a talking car isn't  
 > exactly new to modern audiences, the main draw of the show is gone. And  
 > yeah, the acting, writing, and characterizations are all cliched. Again,  
 > one could live with that--for a while--*if* the show had an interesting  
 > hook. As expected, I groaned and laughed quite a bit, especially when  
 > they showed Mike's military photograph. Is there a hero in a bad show  
 > like this that *doesn't* come with a Special Forces or SEAL background?
 > And the whole product placement thing actually pissed me off. Bad enough  
 > I had to endure all those dumb Ford ads during commercial break. But  
 > explain to me the logic of having a car with nanotech that can shape  
 > shift, but *only* to Ford models? That is such crap. Reminds me of The  
 > Transformers, which similarly really pissed me off. I know a lot of  
 > folks nowadays say get over it, it's the reality of the business world,  
 > but ask me to believe a bunch of alien robots would only model  
 > themselves after one car line--ridiculous.
 > I actually think I like "Bionic Woman" better!
 > -------------- Original message --------------
 > From: "g123curious"
 > I watched this trainwreck last night and wish I could get that hour
 > of my life back. The writing was terrible and the acting wasn't much
 > better. If you haven't seen this series, don't bother. It's a time
 > waste and nowhere near as good as the original. One long commercial
 > for Ford cars, trucks, and SUVs.
 > George
 > http://ivebeenmugged.typepad.com
 > --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 >> "The Hoff" (love that name!) says the original series had a
 > message "One man can make a difference". Somehow I never got that,
 > though i think it was stated in the intro. I got more the
 > message "one man with a multi-milion dollar AI car and the backing of
 > a giant corporation can drive around Callie picking up chicks and
 > occassionally beating up bad guys--all to the beat of some really bad
 > covers of bad pop songs!"
 >> Of course, you know i'm a sucker: i'll be there for the premiere,
 > probably laughing and groaning my way through it!
 >> -------------- Original message --------------
 >> From: "brent wodehouse"
 >> http://www.tvguide.com/news/knight-rider-kitt/080215-01
 >> Preview: Knight Rider Is Back!
 >> by Tom Russo
 >> Knight Rider airs Sunday at 9 pm/ET, NBC.
 >> The realization hit Justin Bruening the moment the Ford Mustang
 > Shelby GT500KR slammed its own doors. At 28, Bruening was only six
 > when the original Knight Rider, which made a star of David
 > Hasselhoff, roared off into TV mythol&shy;ogy. Now, as the former All My
 > Children actor slid into the Hoff's old seat behind the wheel of the
 > franchise's signature (but updated) supercar, he felt the moment.
 > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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