10,000 BC is just another racially negative fantasy like "300"...subliminally 
diluting the images and histories of minorities.  I actually wanted to like 
"300" but when I saw them kick the first black guys in a pit...then cut off the 
arm of another cowering black man....then cut off the head of the black general 
sending it screaming at the screen....then Xerses being an giant mixed race 
fairy.....not forgetting all the unmuscled hordes of soldiers of color being 
crushed by a handful of ripped Spartans...I said man its 2007 and still this 
crap.....I just walked out the theater.

----- Original Message -----
Date: Friday, March 7, 2008 12:29 am
Subject: [scifinoir2] Gonna Go Back to "10,000 B.C"?
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com

> The below from me is a comment i had with some folks on another 
> list about going to see "10,000 B.C." As I stated, I'm not a fan 
> of these guys, who bring good FX but stupid stories. 
> Both the Atlanta Journal-Constitution (via a guess review from 
> another paper) and USA Today give "10,000 B.C." the equivalent 
> of a "D". They call it stupid, dumb, boring, and ponderous. K., 
> doesn't seem that even the FX make it worth a viewing.
> By contrast, both papers give Jason Statham's "The Bank Job" , 
> and Colin Farrell's "In Bruges" solid "B's" and very good 
> comments. Guess it's that and "There Will be Blood" for me this 
> weekend!
> I'm indifferent about "10,000 BC". The guys behind it do great 
> FX, but their plotting and characterization leave me cold. For 
> example, I dont watch ID4 anymore because it makes me groan in 
> so many places. ( For some reason I can't get over Will Smith 
> cracking wise dragging the alien across the desert moments after 
> his best friend has died, nor the stupid device of making vivica 
> Fox a stripper, or the laptop-created virus that takes down an 
> interstellar ship!) I tend to think this film will be like that. 
> If the story's as bad as Tyrone's heard, I'd only go watch it 
> with a large group so we can make fun of it. Otherwise I'll wait 
> for the DVD.
> And I have to be honest: I tire of films with white heroes in 
> times and places where people of color were more likely to have 
> been front and center. In the theatre, I actually laughed and 
> grumbled to my wife "What's up with the white dude with dreds, 
> and his blue-eyed lady? Why are they the heroes?" Then you see 
> the Brother who's obviously second string to the main guy (as 
> evidenced by him literally walking a step behind the star in the 
> trailer). And they say Mr. Dred is some kind of predestined 
> savior or something. That "you have a destiny" cliche is waaaay 
> old anyway. I'm not up enough on my paleontology and 
> anthropology to even comment yet on whether the sabretooths and 
> domisticated wooly mammoths is realistic. I just know that I'd 
> rather see an ancient culture focused on some darker skinned 
> people every now and then. Heaven help me, I'd even prefer Will 
> Smith in the lead! (I'm doomed!)
> I'm actually more interested in seeing the heist film "The Bank 
> Job" with Jason Statham, the animated film "Persepolis", "There 
> Will Be Blood", or "In Bruges"( the comedy with Colin Farrell).
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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