Ooo.  I like technonerd.  I rarely get called any of these names until
someone sees me taking apart and rebuilding a laptop or DVD player, then
they call me one of them in shock.  I've always liked it because in my
modeling days, people always assumed I was the Black equivalent of a dizzy

-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Martin
Sent: Friday, May 16, 2008 6:25 AM
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] `Star Wars' kid Abrams aims to reinvent `Trek'

My first experience with either was being called a technonerd, because I was
elbow-deep in the process of taking apart an Apple II. The memories are
actually good, because I was being aided by a very pretty young lady...

Astromancer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                             I'm okay
with both...Geeks and nerds rule while Jocks and Cools serve...Any problems
with that?
 Tracey de Morsella <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:          I'm
ok with geek, but not nerd. 
 -----Original Message-----
 From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 Sent: Thursday, May 15, 2008 8:20 PM
 Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] `Star Wars' kid Abrams aims to reinvent `Trek'
 yeah! I celebrate "Trekkie"--just don't call me "geek" *or* "nerd"! :(
 -------------- Original message -------------- 
 From: "Tracey de Morsella" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
 I say be proud of who you are. Trekkies Rule!!!!
 -----Original Message-----
 From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 Sent: Tuesday, May 06, 2008 8:18 PM
 Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] `Star Wars' kid Abrams aims to reinvent `Trek'
 depends on who you talk too. I think that whoever passes for the mainstream
 Trek fan still go with "Trekker". I and many others I know prefer
 I've always found it mildly amusing and laughable that people who can quote
 starship registries and explain the chemical makeup of vulcan blood find it
 necessary to go with a more "normal" sounding term like "Trekker". I've
 been told Trekkie sounds like "groupie", that it conveys someone who's a
 fanatic or an uber geek or nerd. Did I mention we can talk aout Vulcan
 blood and warp factor for hours? You can call it "susan", to some people
 TRek lovers are what they are. 
 I proudly use Trekkie and I don't consider myself a nerd or a geek. But I
 refuse to change a name just to seem more mainstream...
 -------------- Original message -------------- 
 From: Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
 It changed back, Keith? A few years ago, I used "Trekkie" and got my head
 bitten off by someone who *insisted* on "Trekker".
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: i hear Nimoy was pleased, so I'll keep an
 open mind.
 By the way, Mr. Abrams, it's "Trekkie", not "Trekker".
 -------------- Original message -------------- 
 From: "ravenadal"
 By DAVID GERMAIN, AP Movie WriterThu May 1, 7:28 AM ET
 J.J. Abrams grew up more a fan of Luke Skywalker and Han Solo than of
 James Kirk and his Vulcan buddy Spock. So why is a self-professed
 "Star Wars" kid directing "Star Trek"?
 "It was an opportunity to take what I think has been a maligned world
 - to sound crass, a franchise - and treat it in a way that made it
 something that I wanted to see," said Abrams, who recently finished
 shooting on "Star Trek," due in theaters May 8, 2009. "To take the
 characters, the thoughtfulness, the personalities, the sense of
 adventure, the idea of humanity working together, the sense of social
 commentary and innovation, all that stuff. To take it and apply it in
 a way that felt genuinely thrilling."
 Abrams, creator of TV's "Lost" and "Alias" whose big-screen credits
 include "Mission: Impossible III," shared some "Trek" thoughts with
 The Associated Press in an interview to promote the DVD release of his
 monster movie "Cloverfield."
 While he enjoyed the TV show about Capt. Kirk, First Officer Spock and
 their Enterprise crew mates, Abrams said he was not a rabid fan.
 In this age of make-or-break opening weekends, the revival of the
 franchise seven years after the last movie ("Star Trek: Nemesis")
 flopped may depend on introducing a new generation to the exploits of
 the 23rd century explorers rather than just hooking old fans.
 "The whole point was to try to make this movie for fans of movies, not
 fans of `Star Trek,' necessarily,'" Abrams said. "If you're a fan,
 we've got one of the writers who's a devout Trekker, so we were able
 to make sure we were serving the people who are completely enamored
 with `Star Trek.' But we are not making the movie for that contingent
 "You can't really make a movie for them. As soon as you start to guess
 what you think they are going to want to see, you're in trouble. You
 have to make the movie in many ways for what you want to see yourself,
 make a movie you believe in. Then you're not second-guessing an
 audience you don't really have an understanding of."
 After the 1960s TV show went off the air, it remained alive in
 syndication, and the original cast led by William Shatner as Kirk and
 Leonard Nimoy as Spock was reunited for six big-screen movies.
 Four more movies followed starring Patrick Stewart and the cast of the
 1980s and '90s update "Star Trek: The Next Generation," while the
 "Trek" universe expanded to include three other TV series.
 Abrams' "Star Trek" takes the franchise back to its beginning, with a
 young cast re-creating the Enterprise crew: Chris Pine as Kirk,
 Zachary Quinto as Spock, Karl Urban as Dr. McCoy, Simon Pegg as
 engineer Scott, John Cho as helmsman Sulu, Zoe Saldana as
 communications officer Uhura and Anton Yelchin as navigator Chekov.
 "It's a chance to see what Kirk and Spock would look like done now,"
 Abrams said. "What's thrilling about it is how great the cast is, how
 remarkably talented and funny and just spot-on they all are."
 Nimoy also reprises his role as the older Spock, though Shatner -
 whose Kirk was killed at the end of the seventh movie, "Star Trek:
 Generations" - does not appear.
 Abrams would not share plot details, saying only that the movie would
 remain faithful to the original while breaking new ground in action,
 drama and visual effects, which are being crafted by "Star Wars"
 creator George Lucas' Industrial Light and Magic outfit.
 "I feel like this is so unlike what you expect, so unlike the `Star
 Trek' you've seen. At the same time, it's being true to what's come
 before, honoring it," Abrams said. "I can say the effects for `Star
 Trek' have never, ever been done like this. ... I can only tell you
 the idea of the universe of `Star Trek' has never been given this kind
 of treatment."
 Copyright C 2008 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. The
 information contained in the AP News report may not be published,
 broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the prior written
 authority of The Associated Press. 
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