In a message dated 5/19/2008 4:49:01 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

Yours is an interesting prospective.  One shared by 94% of the 
electorate in West Virginia (one of our more progessive states).   

It is also interesting to me that, nationally, the 50% of white 
democrats that support Obama is the 50% that can read and write and 
count to ten without taking off their shoes.

Hillary must be proud to be the candidate of the uninformed and the 


So Clinton voters are uneducated hicks while Obama suupports are uneducated 
integrationist liberals. Who is the racist? . Clinton is a politician. Obama 
got upset with Wright because he called Obama a politician. 
No wonder there are those that don't like him. Maybe it is the same people 
that don't want to sit down with people who need terrorism so they don't have 
answer to their people on why they have not fixed their own country's 
problems, have illegal immigration, have more H1-B cheap labor, have their 
taxed to no in, think NASA should be funded, contnue our place in Iraq. Obama 
tolds blacks in NY to respect the verdict of Sean Bell and not riot. Can you 
imagine Clinton saying that? Can you imagine any white person saying that? 
said it was wrong. Obama held his finger up to Jena 6 to see which way the 
wind blew. 
If they are so similar in viewpoints, why is it okay for blacks to vote for a 
black man but wrong for whites to vote for a white person or a white woman?
I have always been a moderate Democrat. I really don't want a world apologist 
in teh White House. 

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