June 5, 2008


Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton will endorse Senator Barack Obama on
Saturday, bringing a close to her 17-month campaign for the White
House, aides said. Her decision came after Democrats urged her
Wednesday to leave the race and allow the party to coalesce around Mr.

Howard Wolfson, one of Mrs. Clinton's chief strategists, and other
aides said she would express support for Mr. Obama and party unity at
an event in Washington that day. One adviser said Mrs. Clinton would
concede defeat, congratulate Mr. Obama and proclaim him the party's
nominee, while pledging to do what was needed to assure his victory in

Her decision came after a day of conversations with supporters on
Capitol Hill about her future now that Mr. Obama had clinched the
nomination. Mrs. Clinton had, in a speech after Tuesday night's
primaries, suggested she wanted to wait before deciding about her
future, but in conversations Wednesday, her aides said, she was urged
to step aside.

"We pledged to support her to the end," Representative Charles B.
Rangel, a New York Democrat who has been a patron of Mrs. Clinton
since she first ran for the Senate, said in an interview. "Our problem
is not being able to determine when the hell the end is."

Mrs. Clinton's decision came as some of her most prominent supporters
— including former Vice President Walter F. Mondale — announced they
were now backing Mr. Obama. "I was for Hillary — I wasn't against
Obama, who I think is very talented," Mr. Mondale said. "I'm glad we
made a decision and I hope we can unite our party and move forward."

One of Mrs. Clinton's aides said they were told that except for her
senior advisers, there was no reason to report to work after Friday,
and that they were invited to Mrs. Clinton's house for a farewell
celebration. The announcement from Mrs. Clinton was moved to Saturday
to accommodate more supporters who wanted to attend, aides said.

"Senator Clinton will be hosting an event in Washington, D.C., to
thank her supporters and express her support for Senator Obama and
party unity," Mr. Wolfson said.

Mr. Obama, not waiting for a formal concession from Mrs. Clinton,
announced a three-member vice-presidential selection committee that
will include Caroline Kennedy, who has become a close personal adviser
since endorsing him four months ago.

With some Democrats promoting Mrs. Clinton as Mr. Obama's No. 2, his
aides said they would move slowly in the search, allowing passions
from the bruising primary battles to cool.

"Now that the interfamily squabble is done," Mr. Obama said Wednesday
evening at a Manhattan fund-raiser, "all of us can focus on what needs
to be done in November." Earlier Wednesday, Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton
crossed paths briefly in Washington. As he left the Capitol, Mr. Obama
told reporters, "We're going to have a conversation in the coming weeks."

Mr. Obama appeared before the American Israel Public Affairs
Committee, where, tacking to the right, he described a far tougher
series of sanctions he would be willing to impose on Iran than he had
outlined heretofore.

Mrs. Clinton, in a later appearance before the group, moved to
reassure an audience clearly nervous about Mr. Obama's views on
Israeli security. "I know that Senator Obama will be a good friend to
Israel," she said.

Turning to the general election, Senator John McCain of Arizona, Mr.
Obama's likely opponent, and Mr. Obama both said they were interested
in holding a series of debates this summer.

Aides to Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton said that at least some of Mrs.
Clinton's fund-raisers would move to join the Obama campaign. Still,
with the realization of defeat still settling in, it appeared that
most of her major financial backers were holding back until they got a
clearer signal from Mrs. Clinton of her intentions.

"I'm being aggressively courted by folks in the Obama campaign," said
Mark Aronchick, a Philadelphia lawyer, who is a national finance
co-chairman. "I've told them all, `Everybody relax. Take a deep
breath. There's time enough here.' "

On Thursday, Mr. Obama planned to head to the southwestern tip of
Virginia, in Appalachia, to begin courting voters in a state that
traditionally goes Republican but could be a battleground in the fall.
Then, he intends to take a few days to strategize privately about the
general-election campaign.

Mrs. Clinton's decision to suspend her campaign, which was first
reported by ABC News, was a bow to the emerging political reality. No
one in her campaign — including by all reports Mrs. Clinton herself —
saw a viable road to the nomination. A suspension of the campaign
allows her to continue raising money and pay off millions of dollars
in debt.

The party's desire for Mrs. Clinton to leave the race was signaled,
politely, as four top Democratic leaders issued an early morning
statement asking all uncommitted delegates to make their decisions by
Friday. The statement from the Democratic chairman, Howard Dean,
Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senator Harry Reid and Gov. Joe Manchin III of
West Virginia, stopped short of endorsing Mr. Obama, but aides said
they were likely to move in that direction if Mrs. Clinton lingered in
the race.

"The voters have spoken," they said in a joint statement released
before 7 a.m., timed to set the tone for the day after the last
primaries. "Democrats must now turn our full attention to the general

Representative Rahm Emanuel, the Illinois Democrat with close ties to
Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton, and who had kept studiously neutral
throughout the fight, said in an interview that he was "coming out
from hiding under my desk" to endorse Mr. Obama. "The fact is that he
is the nominee," Mr. Emanuel said

He seemed quizzical at the slowness of Mrs. Clinton's decision not to
acknowledge this.

"You don't answer about whether you want to be vice president unless
there's no doubt in your mind that he is the nominee," he said,
referring to Mrs. Clinton's initial reluctance to congratulate Mr.
Obama, noting that she told supporters she would be open to be his
running mate if he wanted her.

As Mrs. Clinton began tying up the loose ends of her campaign, Mr.
Obama turned to his future — including the choice of a running mate.
Some of Mrs. Clinton's top supporters have been urging Mr. Obama to
choose her, saying an Obama-Clinton slate would be a ticket to victory
in November.

Robert L. Johnson, the founder of Black Entertainment Television and a
leading contributor to Mrs. Clinton, urged members of the
Congressional Black Caucus to lobby Mr. Obama to pick Mrs. Clinton.
Mr. Johnson said he had spoken to Mrs. Clinton and was speaking with
her permission.

"We need to have the certainty of winning," Mr. Johnson wrote in the
letter on Wednesday. "And I believe, without question, that Barack
Obama as president and Hillary Clinton as vice president bring that
certainty to the ticket."

David Plouffe, campaign manager for Mr. Obama, said the senator felt
no pressure to swiftly name a vice presidential candidate either to
tamp down the speculation about Mrs. Clinton's future or allay her
dejected supporters. The passage of time, Mr. Plouffe said, would
close the fissures and soothe the hard feelings that developed during
the primary fight.

Mr. Obama's decision to announce his vice-presidential search
committee on Wednesday was intended to mute the speculation about Mrs.
Clinton's interest in the position. In addition to Ms. Kennedy, Mr.
Obama also tapped Eric Holder, a deputy attorney general from the
Clinton administration, and James A. Johnson, who has overseen similar
committees in 1984 and 2004 presidential campaigns.

At the same time, Mr. Mondale — who in his career has served as a vice
president, and picked one — suggested that Mrs. Clinton and her
supporters pull back from even appearance of campaigning for the No. 2
spot, suggesting it could complicate a critical decision by Mr. Obama.

"I think it's best he just be left alone," Mr. Mondale said.

Carl Hulse contributed reporting from Washington, and Michael Luo from
New York City.

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