what a thought!

-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Keith, thank you for this thought...

If it were parked in one of the LaGrange points, and all of the crap were 
dumped there, wouldn't that make a nice first impression with the first aliens 
to happen through? "Well, that where we store our...uh..." 8-O ;oD

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Yeah, and damn was I off! It's two hundred miles up in 
orbit! I guess I was thinking it was placed in the geosynchronous orbit sweet 

-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Keith, to quote from an old song, "What goes up, must come down..."

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: It's what? Twenty-two thousand miles up in orbit? Who 
needs a flush toilet: just run a long pipe to the outside, and let the debris 
slip into space! I mean, how dangerous could crystallized, frozen waste be?

-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: "brent wodehouse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

Astronauts Fix Space Station Toilet

By Tariq Malik
Senior Editor

posted: 4 June 2008

HOUSTON - Astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS) appeared
to solve the orbiting lab's toilet troubles Wednesday as they prepared to
open a new Japanese laboratory for business.

Space station flight engineer Oleg Kononenko replaced a failed pump in the
station's Russian-built commode in a fix that restored the space toilet's
ability to collect liquid waste.

"I see airflow right away," Kononenko said after activating the system,
which uses flowing air in place of gravity to collect waste in

Three initial tests of the system appeared to be successful, with Russian
engineers giving the station crew the go ahead to use the repaired toilet
for now and report on its status.

"Okay, let's start using it," Russian flight controllers told Kononenko
after two and a half hours of work.

Built into the station's Russian Zvezda service module, the space toilet
went on the fritz about 10 days ago. Station astronauts were able to make
partial repairs, though the fix required extra flush water and
time-consuming overhauls every three uses, mission managers said.

"It's unfortunate that we're talking about toilets, but that really is the
life and the future of human exploration in space," said Kirk Shireman,
NASA's deputy station program manager, of today's space toilet surgery.
Even in space, the same mundane maintenance jobs found on Earth are
required, he added.

NASA mission managers added a last-minute spare pump
to Discovery's cargo list before the shuttle's May 31 launch so astronauts
could try once more to repair the seven-year-old toilet. They also
included extra liquid waste receptacles in case the fix should fail.

"We use these primarily for research purposes, but we can use those for
everyday use if you will," said Shireman, adding that with Discovery's
delivery, the station has enough bathroom supplies to last until the next
Russian cargo shipment later this summer.

Commanded by veteran spaceflyer Mark Kelly, Discovery's seven-astronaut
crew is in the middle of a 14-day mission
] to deliver Japan's giant Kibo laboratory, fix the station's toilet and
swap out one crewmember aboard the orbital outpost.

Christening Kibo

Later today, Discovery astronauts are expected to christen the station's
new tour bus-sized Kibo laboratory, a $1 billion new lab
] installed during a Tuesday spacewalk. The spaceflyers will check their
shuttle's heat shield inspection boom, which was retrieved from a storage
berth on the ISS during yesterday's spacewalk, today to ensure it's in
working order.

"We have a new 'hope' on the International Space Station," said astronaut
Akihiko Hoshide of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) after
helping install the new Kibo lab (whose name means "hope" in Japanese) on

Hoshide and his crewmates are scheduled to open the Kibo lab for business
today at about 4:52 p.m. EDT (2052 GMT) today.

At 37 feet (11 meters) long and 14.4 feet (4.4 meters) wide, Japan's Kibo
laboratory is the largest single room ever launched to the ISS and is only
one of three segments that make up the station's entire Japanese space
research facility. It is designed to host a wide variety of internal and
external experiments to study fluid physics, materials science and

"We're extremely happy to see the Kibo pressurized module attached to its
permanent location," JAXA's deputy Kibo operations project manager Tetsuro
Yokoyama said Tuesday.

The 32,000-pound (14,514-kg) Kibo module follows an attic-like storage
which astronauts delivered to the station in March, and includes two small
windows, an airlock and a robotic arm at one end to access an external
platform slated to launch next year. A control center in Tsukuba Space
Center, just north of Tokyo in Japan, will oversee the Kibo facility from

Hoshide told SPACE.com before Discovery's May 31 launch that he would
likely open the new module with some sort of speech, though what he
planned to say was still up in the air.

Yokoyama said he expects Japanese station flight controllers and engineers
will be fairly busy during the module's activation today, but there is an
air of anticipation as well.

"We will be waiting," Yokoyama said.

NASA is broadcasting the planned launch of Discovery's STS-124 mission
live on NASA TV on Saturday. Click here
[http://www.space.com/spaceshuttle/] for SPACE.com's shuttle mission
updates and NASA TV feed.

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"There is no reason Good can't triumph over Evil, if only angels will get 
organized along the lines of the Mafia." -Kurt Vonnegut, "A Man Without A 

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

"There is no reason Good can't triumph over Evil, if only angels will get 
organized along the lines of the Mafia." -Kurt Vonnegut, "A Man Without A 

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