These are not ghetto blacks. These are blacks that are professionals that are 
libera/moderate/republican in their viewpoints. 
I don't have issues with black men. I don't think that anyone that votes for 
Clinton has issues with black men. It is really insulting racist, sexist 
talking point.  I have grown up around black men. I have much more respect than 
people like to admit. I have told that I hang around black men too much because 
don't see the black female perspective. That does not mean I have to defend 
black men when they do wrong or have a difference of opinion. It does not mean 
that I have to vote for a black man.  
These so called horrible people are everyday people. If you sit down and talk 
to them you began to realize their viewpoints. 
You would be surprised how people really think if you allow them talk. There 
are those that pride themselves on being open minded but harbor some ill 
willed thoughts. 
Ferro is not my gal. However Obama is given a free ride because of his race. 
I believe that one of McCain's advisors quit because he did not want to attack 
Obama because it would come across as racial. I don't know many white men who 
would be president with only half a term in the Senate. It would not fly with 
white America.  It would not fly with a woman. It is too sensitive to talk 
about qualifications with a black man. 
I don't think that we can claim that she is a closet Republican. Obama came 
up with peace with Palestine. He wanted to talk to our enemies. As a typically 
politician he has said that the nuclear option is on the table for Iran. He is 
a friend of Israel. Hid grandfather and Jewish friends made him understand 
Jews. He will talk tough to terrorists. He is flip flopper. He has no backbone 
and will say anything for votes. He is not new or exciting. There will not be 
any changes in the US foreign policy. He also condemn Carter. The enemy of 
Israel and condemned Hamas. US foreign policy will not change under him. I 
understand why it is so hard to understand. No, American president can hate 
Israel and love the Arabs. It will NEVER happen.  They will not be elected. 
I do see myself as saying nasty things. If it is blunt, so be it. 
I don't see a woman becoming president anytime soon. Color will always trump 
gender. I doubt the country will elect a woman unless she is not white. I am 
not a white woman nor do I see myself as a mammy. However I can understand how 
some feel. A lot of them don't see themselves as white women. They are just 
women. Barak is a black man. He has a color and gender advantage over them. It 
is like electing a black woman. You get two for the price of one. I don't see 
it as privilege but frustration. White men don't like them because they are 
women. Non whites can't stand them because they are white. 
I told a group of white women that Hillary was their only chance of getting 
elected. As white woman no group wants them.  I don't see many men of color 
supporting a white woman for the high-test office in the land. Especially when 
they can elect a man and a non white man. 
The women got upset. I don't no why. Everyone has gotten on the "white women 
are evil bandwagon."   
If Rice would have run at least she could have been protected by her skin 
color. She is a double minority. 
Hillary is gone. However black men act as if they still lost. I still see 
Obama supporters calling Clinton racist and sexist names. This hatred has 
to do with what the Clinton said. It is just pure and simple hate. 

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