So I guesds you weren't thinking of Indy doing his thing; uncovering ancient 
mysteries and kicking butt while leaning on his walker?

-See that guy who looks like a cross between Elvis and P-Funk? He is Johnny 

--- On Thu, 7/31/08, Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Lucas Considers Indy 5
Cc: "'Chris de Morsella'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, July 31, 2008, 9:59 AM

Evil thoughts dance through my mind. To speak of them in any way would assure 
me jail time. com/watch? v=fQUxw9aUVik

--- On Thu, 7/31/08, Tracey de Morsella <[EMAIL PROTECTED] aladvantage. com> 

From: Tracey de Morsella <[EMAIL PROTECTED] aladvantage. com>
Subject: [scifinoir2] Lucas Considers Indy 5
Cc: "'Chris de Morsella'" <cdemorsella@>
Date: Thursday, July 31, 2008, 2:56 AM

Say it ain't So.

Lucas Considers Indy 5

"If I can come up with another idea that they like, we'll do another."

by Chris Tilly <http://movies. html> , IGN UK

http://ad.doublecli; src=1663624; met=1;v=1; pid=28538087; 
5909536;ko=0; cid=27481705; rid=27499584; rv=1;&timestamp= 2693359;eid1= 
;etm1=0;UK, July 28, 2008 - In spite of the critical mauling Indiana Jones
and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull received, George Lucas has been
discussing the possibility of a fifth film in the franchise, stating, "If I
can come up with another idea that they like, we'll do another."

Speaking to The Sunday Times, Lucas said that putting together the recently
released sequel was a challenge. "Indiana Jones only becomes complicated
when you have another two people saying 'I want it this way' and 'I want it
that way', whereas when I first did Jones, I just said 'We'll do it this
way' - and that was much easier. 

"But now", he went on, "I have to accommodate everybody, because they are
all big, successful guys too, so it's a little hard on a practical level."

Is Indy set to return for a fifth outing?

Lucas also elaborated on the creative differences he and Spielberg have
recently been experiencing. "We still have the issues about the direction
we'd like to take." he explained. 

"I'm in the future, Steven's in the past. He's trying to drag it back to the
way they were, I'm trying to push it to a whole different place. So still we
have a sort of tension. This recent one came out of that. It's kind of a
hybrid of our own two ideas, so we'll see where we are able to take the next

With Crystal Skull taking more than $750m worldwide, a fifth film seems more
than likely, so what direction would you like to see the franchise take?

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