Folks If you take a real good look at Toby's comments nothing really has 
changed.   He's just trying to dump enough 'snow' on them to make people think 
has.   In short this is nothing more than Toby (like many artists before him) 
modifying/changing his image to try to stay relevent (i.e. profitable) in the 
current music scene.   Especially one which many in country have think it's 
leaned too far in the bush neocon camp and is hurting (especially 
as a result.   Personally I don't think it's going to work in his case.   But 
expect to see more of this from country in the future.   Starting with the 
appearance of more new and/or current left-ward leaning country artists in 
(along with a possible major effort by country to 'reclame' the Dixie Chicks as 
'theirs' again).   Just like they did in the 70's.   But thats just me.


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