Al Gore to Buy Environmental Magazine, 'Plenty'?


Al Gore's getting into the magazine business. Sources familiar with the
former vice president's plans say he is set to announce the acquisition of a
stake in Plenty, a four-year-old title about environmentally-conscious
living. As it happens, Gore -- who already has a toe in the media business
through his TV network, Current <>  -- is on the cover of
the current <>  issue.

Asked about the situation, Plenty founder Mark Spellun acknowledged there is
a deal of some sort in the works but said it was "not correct" to say that
Gore was buying the company. "That wouldn't be quite accurate," he said.
Pressed on whether that means Gore is purchasing some sort of interest,
however, either directly or through another entity, Spellun declined to
comment further, saying an announcement would come next week.

Whatever Gore's role in Plenty turns out to be, the title would seem to be a
good fit with his post-political emphasis on curbing global warming.
According to its media kit, Plenty uses more than than 85 percent recycled
paper and keeps its production process carbon-neutral through the purchase
of offsets. The magazine is published bimonthly and has a rate base (the
minimum circulation guaranteed to advertisers) of 200,000.



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