

Valuable mistakes

By Robert K. Elder

Chicago Tribune staff reporter

September 18, 2008

DC Comics is scrambling this week trying to recall "All-Star Batman & 
Robin" No. 10, which includes a "printing error" that has Batgirl 
dropping the F-bomb. Collectors have been snapping up copies of the 
comic book, and some have sold for $175 on eBay. Below, we track other 
valuable comic book snafus.

"Elseworlds 80-page Giant" No. 1 (June 1999). In Kyle Baker and Liz 
Glass' story, "Letitia Lerner, Superman's Babysitter," the super-
toddler climbs into a microwave and drinks milk directly from a cow. 
When Paul Levitz, the president of DC Comics, objected to the 
portrayal of the little Clark Kent, most issues were pulped—except for 
a few shipped to England. Current mint value: $175. 

"Elektra" Vol. 2, No. 3 (November 2001). Daredevil's off-again-on-
again assassin girlfriend appeared partially nude in this issue, 
causing a recall. Current mint value: $18. 

"League of Extraordinary Gentleman" Vol. 1, No. 5 (June 2000). Alan 
Moore's Victorian heroes weren't the controversy. No, the fake 
Victorian ads were. Parent company DC Comics recalled this "League" 
book because of an ad for an imaginary feminine hygiene product from a 
company called Marvel. Fearing legal retribution from Marvel Comics, 
its competitor company, DC pulled the issue. Current mint value: $30. 

"Action Comics" No. 309 (November 1963). This wasn't an error as much 
as it was bad timing. In one story, President John F. Kennedy helps 
Superman retain his secret identity by posing as Clark Kent while 
Superman saves lives. Unfortunately, the issue hit stands the week 
after Kennedy's assassination, much to the alarm of DC Comics. Current 
mint value: $135.

"Wolverine" Vol. 2, No. 131 (November 1998)

Instead of the word "killer," an anti-Semitic k-word made it into 
Wolverine's description of his archenemy Sabretooth. Current mint 
value: $2.50-$14.

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