"Ashamed". Ashamed?! Well, all true-blue, red-blooded Americans love our 
country no matter what! We're proud of everything it's ever done, and we have 
nothing to apologize for, genocides, lynchings and discrimination included! You 
sound like some kind of commie-pinko-socialist like that American-hating 
Michelle Obama, and her don't-want-to-wear-a-flag-pin husband of hers!  

Guess you'll never run for Prez now, eh? This quote would hunt you for eternity 
if so! :)

-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: "Martin Baxter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
I feel you here, Keith. Makes me ashamed to be American, almost.

-----Original Message-----> 
>Sent: 10/18/2008 10:48:54 AM
>To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
>Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Americans Flunk Simple Three-Question Political 
>I don't know what's most disturbing: that this is considered to be an accurate
>test of political knowledge, that so few people--even among the supposedly best
>informed groups--can name the leader of our most staunch political ally, or 
>*anyone* who can breath and form a sentence could possibly miss the first two
>questions! Or, the sad fact that many of the people who couldn't name Gordon
>Brown would probably dismiss the question as an irrelevant fact about a foreign
>country, important only to the intellectual elite? 
>Wow, remember when you were in grade school and had to learn all fifty states
>and their capitals? I remember being in junior high, and embarrassed because a
>kid in my class got a higher score on an impromptu quiz on current events than 
>did. The question that stumped me was to name the last three countries then
>President Carter had recently visited. I felt there was no excuse for not
>knowing the answer, for all that I was 13 years old! But nowadays people
>celebrate the willful ignorance of Bush and Palin as the stuff of "real
>Americans", the quality of people with whom they'd like to have a beer.
>Somewhere, the "Founding Fathers" are weeping...
>livescience.com – Wed Oct 15, 5:25 pm ET
>Some news audiences are more politically savvy than others, according to a new
>poll, with readers of The New Yorker and similar high-brow magazines being the
>most knowledgeable. 
>The survey, conducted between April 30 and June 1 by the Pew Research Center 
>the People the Press, measured the political knowledge of 3,612 U.S. adults.
>Participants were asked to name the controlling party of the U.S. House of
>Representatives, the U.S. secretary of state and Great Britain's prime 
>Overall, just 18 percent of participants answered all three questions 
>More than 50 percent of Americans knew that the Democrats have a majority in 
>House, while 42 percent could identify the secretary of state (Condoleezza
>Rice). Less than 30 percent could name the prime minister of Great Britain
>(Gordon Brown). 
>Perfect scores 
>The best-informed news audiences crossed the ideological spectrum. Nearly half
>of regular readers of The New Yorker, The Atlantic and Harper's Magazine
>answered all three political knowledge questions correctly. 
>A perfect score was obtained by 44 percent of regular listeners of National
>Public Radio (NPR), 43 percent of regular viewers of MSNBC's "Hardball with
>Chris Matthews" and 42 percent of the Fox News Channel's "Hannity Colmes"
>audience. Thirty-four percent of "The Colbert Report" audience and 30 percent 
>"The Daily Show" audience got all three questions correct. 
>While most news audiences knew that Democrats have a majority in the House,
>participants struggled to correctly name the current British prime minister. 
>Just four news audiences had a majority who correctly identified Gordon,
>including regular readers of The New Yorker and similar magazines such as The
>Atlantic, regular NPR listeners, regular readers of political magazines, such 
>The Weekly Standard and The New Republic, and regular viewers of "Hardball." 
>Just 44 percent of BBC viewers identified the prime minister correctly. 
>Here's a detailed breakdown of the percentage of individuals answering each of
>the three questions correctly from the different news audiences: 
>The New Yorker/Atlantic: 71 percent (correctly identified Democrats as the
>majority in the House), 71 percent (correctly identified Condeleeza Rice), 59
>percent (correctly identified Gordon Brown) 
>NPR: 73 percent, 72 percent, 57percent 
>Hannity Colmes: 84 percent, 73 percent, 49 percent 
>Rush Limbaugh: 83 percent, 71 percent, 41 percent 
>Colbert Report: 73 percent, 65 percent, 49 percent 
>Daily Show: 65 percent, 48 percent, 36 percent 
>NewsHour: 66 percent, 52 percent, 47 percent 
>O'Reilly Factor: 70 percent, 60 percent, 41 percent 
>C-SPAN: 63 percent, 59 percent, 35 percent 
>Letterman/Leno: 51 percent, 42 percent, 31 percent 
>CNN: 59 percent, 48 percent, 29 percent 
>National Enquirer: 44 percent, 32 percent, 22 percent 
>Education factor 
>In general, well-educated news audiences scored high on political knowledge. 
>instance, 54 percent of the regular readers of publications such as The New
>Yorker, The Atlantic and Harper's Magazine are college graduates, as are 54
>percent of regular NPR listeners. 
>=== message truncated === 

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