Joseph To Be First Black Doctor?

Rumors rumors have already begun circulating that Paterson Joseph--who
guest-starred in the first season--may be the leading candidate to replace
Tennant as the 11th Doctor. Joseph would be the first black actor to assay
the iconic role.

Joseph's agent reportedy denied the Doctor Who rumor when approached about
it last week. When SCI FI Wire contacted Joseph directly, his initial
response was a text message that said, "I am on a list of God knows how many
others, but flattered to be considered." 

That was followed by an e-mail a day later, saying, "The news on Who was
news to me as of last Wednesday, when my agent said they'd had lots of
journos asking if the rumors were true. That's all I know, and I'm very
pleased to even be thought of in this way. It's a blast!" 

The rumor, which should be taken with a grain of salt, was first reported by
British journalist Richard Johnston last week in his online column "Lying in
the Gutters." 

Joseph played Roderick in the Doctor Who two-part episode "Bad Wolf/The
Parting of the Ways." 

Joseph's recent TV appearances include the U.K. series Peep Show, Green Wing
and Hyperdrive, but he is probably best known to genre fans for his
scene-stealing performance as the Marquis de Carabas in writer Neil Gaiman's
short-lived 1996 BBC series Neverwhere. 

Perhaps more germane to this particular story is the actor's work in last
year's Jekyll miniseries, which was created by Steven Moffat, who will be
taking over as the new Doctor Who show runner in the upcoming fifth season
in 2010. Did that role give Joseph the inside track? Only time will tell. 

While many Doctor Who purists are already resisting the notion of a black
actor taking on the role, the biggest obstacle could actually be Joseph's
role as Greg Preston in the BBC's upcoming revival of the 1970s
post-apocalyptic drama Survivors. According to the show's producer Adrian
Hodges (Primeval), "He's a lovely actor, and he has immense likability on
screen. To me, he has hero written and integrity written all over him, and
he's a great actor. We're very pleased with him, and we won't kill him off
anytime soon, I promise you that!" 

The fourth season of Doctor Who will be released in the United States on
Nov. 18. The series is currently on hiatus in the United Kingdom but will
continue with a series of one-off specials, after which a new production
team will take over with season five in 2010. --Joe Nazzaro





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