Absolutely; again, just watch old eps of Hercules and Xena. Their casts are full of Maori...
-------------- Original message -------------- From: Bosco Bosco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Given that it's filmed in New Zealand, is it possible that the "Polynesians" are Maori tribesmen? Bosco --- On Mon, 11/3/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] "Legend of the Seeker" Series Debuts This Weekend To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com Cc: "Grayson Reyes-Cole" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date: Monday, November 3, 2008, 5:33 PM What's up with the Polynesians? Two words: New Zealand. Like i posted, the actor who plays the Seekers friend and confidant is a native who played a general in "Xena", so they're just using the local talent. Are there any people of colour in the books? ------------ -- Original message ------------ -- From: Grayson Reyes-Cole <grayson.reyescole@ yahoo.com> This post made me laugh and laugh and laugh... As far as inordinant amounts of pale flesh go... I'm trying to figure out how they had sense enough to dress the Confessor with pants under her top to ensure she could ride and fight comfortably, but they pushed the tiny twins so far up and out that I'm positive she remained upright through all the action sequences (unless she was on the ground and being incredibly still) for that reason. And what is up with those Polynesians anyway? Grayson Reyes-Cole http://www.graysonr eyescole. com Facebook Bright Star When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid... Lyrical Press October 2008 --- On Mon, 11/3/08, Martin Baxter <truthseeker013@ lycos.com> wrote: From: Martin Baxter <truthseeker013@ lycos.com> Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] "Legend of the Seeker" Series Debuts This Weekend To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com Date: Monday, November 3, 2008, 1:15 PM I can finally comment to this, having watched it yesterday.Well, *most* of it...Overall, 'tis okay. Don't really know if I'll invest in it weekly,since it failed to hold my attention in places. (I'm parallel-reading with afriend, and I twice picked up the book and began reading while it was on, andonce got up to forage for food.) And, while we're on the notion of spoilers,whoever *did* watch and fail to post a Too Much Pale Flesh For Comfort alert,*shaaaaaaaaaame* ...I'm *not* fond of the actors cast as Richard and Kalyn (sp?), becausethey're too young for my envisioning of the characters. (For reasons Ican't fathom, I pegged them both as mid-30ish. And I'm still working onhow so many Polynesan guys got so far inland...*And*, unless I had a brief seizure, they just skipped over a bit of plot,between Richard's rescuing Kalyn while en route to Zed's place and beingbitten by the vine-creature and his arriving there, being healed by Zed.Admittedly, I missed the last forty minutes, helping out family members in theuse of Word Perfect.---------[ Received Mail Content ]---------- Subject : Re: [scifinoir2] "Legend of the Seeker" Series Debuts ThisWeekend Date : Mon, 3 Nov 2008 04:34:44 -0800 (PST) From : Grayson Reyes-Cole <grayson.reyescole@ yahoo.com> To : [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.comSpoil the show, eh? Um... I don't mind... put SPOILER at the top and gimmethe goods. :)Grayson Reyes-Cole http://www.graysonr eyescole. com FacebookBright Star When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...Lyrical Press October 2008 --- On Mon, 11/3/08, Jeff Carter wrote:From: Jeff Carter Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] "Legend of the Seeker" Series Debuts ThisWeekendTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.comDate: Monday, November 3, 2008, 12:26 PMI dont want to spoil the show, but I can say that they left out a huge chunk ofinformation regarding Zedd, Richard, the book and George Cypher. So large thatit affects the outcome of the end of the first book, and in some way each bookthat comes after it. The curiosity of how they are going to deal with this(flashback maybe) is the only reason I may keep watching. JeffOn Mon, Nov 3, 2008 at 7:14 AM, Grayson Reyes-Cole wrote:So Jeff, In the text he *doesn't* toss the book into the fire? If not,sounds like a huge misstep! The guy does seem a bit, well, wee for the part. Grayson Reyes-Cole http://www.graysonr eyescole. com FacebookBright Star When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...Lyrical Press October 2008 --- On Mon, 11/3/08, Jeff Carter wrote:From: Jeff Carter Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] "Legend of the Seeker" Series Debuts ThisWeekendTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.comDate: Monday, November 3, 2008, 11:07 AMWell first of all the guy is too small and too chiseled. Richard is supposedto be this big farm boy type of guy. Big enough that he is the same size if notbigger than the D'harian troops (who are supposed to be huge). He alsolacks the confidence and resolve that Richard has in the books. Richard is ableto see the truth in things and accpet them, the actor playing Richard seemed abit unsure of himself and his "destiny". They also seem to have leftthemselves with a big whole to fill with the book of shadows so I am a bitcurious as to how they will deal with that, but I'm not sure if I will beable to force myself to watch another 20 episodes. JeffOn Sun, Nov 2, 2008 at 10:56 PM, wrote:What specifically about the actor playing Richard do yoiu not like? What wouldbe your thought for a better type of actor? ------------ -- Original message ------------ -- From: "Jeff Carter" I have to warn everyone that if you have read the series and you really likeit, try to stay away from the show. It is loosely based on the books with manydifferences, and in my opionion Richard is cast completly wrong (totally notwhat I imagined when I read the books). Jeff2008/11/2 Bosco Bosco Thanks for the heads up. I've set the DVR to record. it took me a minute tofind the first two episodes since I had missed them and I had to do a littleresearch to figure out what I had missed but WGN has them rerunning this week. Iset up a location station to record the rest of the series. I haven't readthe books and I don't know anything about it but I figured it was worth ashot.B--- On Sun, 11/2/08, KeithBJohnson@ comcast.net wrote:From: KeithBJohnson@ comcast.net Subject: [scifinoir2] "Legend of the Seeker" Series Debuts ThisWeekendTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ups.com Date: Sunday, November 2, 2008, 1:33 AMWatching this series debut this weekend? It's based on the "Sword ofTruth" novels by Terry Goodkind. I've never read them, though I haveseveral of the books in that "gotta read this someday" stack. Seems they're taking it seriously: filming is primarilty down in New Zealand, withRaimi and Tapert ("Hercules", "Xena") as two of theexecutive producers, and Disney-ABC behind the distribution deal. iTunes isoffering a free 30 -minute downloadable preview of the series, and Lucy Lawlesshas done a video hosting spot too. Check out the web site, it's prettynice, with lots of video trailers you can click on, including the first tenminutes of the pilot, as well as video shorts featuring each of the majorcharacters. In the upper right hand corner is a zip code link to let you knowwhen it will show in your area. It debuted Saturday in many cities, and willdebut today in others (Premieres at 6 pm today on WATL in Atlanta, Martin). Likethe old days of "Xe na", the "Action Pack", etc., apparently thesyndication deal will have it showing in different time slots and channelsaround the country. Don't know if it'll be just okay like "Beastmaster" , or riseto the level of "Hercules" and "Xena" when those shows wereat their best, but hey--it's new spec fiction on TV, so I'll give it ashot! Gotta be better than that new "Crusoe" series that debuted lastweek! ************ ******* http://www.legendof theseeker. com/characters. html Richard Cypher was once but a simple woodsman, an expert tracker and explorerof the trails that run through and around his home town of Hartland, located inthe province known as Westland. He was well liked by the townspeople, and lookedup to his older brother, Michael, the First Councilor. Their father, GeorgeCypher, raised the two boys after the death of his wife.Life was an uneventful series of tasks and duties for Richard, until fatebrought him together with a mysterious and captivating female, Kahlan Amnell..From a seemingly crazed old man, Zedd, the truth was soon revealed to Richard.He is a child of prophecy, the first true Seeker the world has known in athousand years, destined to wield the powerful Sword of Truth and defeat theevil tyrant Darken Rahl. Kahlan Amnell. She is one of an ancient order of magical women known asConfessors. Her people are sworn to find the truth, no matter how hard someonemay try to hide it. But Kahlan herself is a woman of many secrets. And hermission was to locate the Seeker, the one prophesized to defeat Darken Rahl, anevil ruler trying to enslave all in his dominion. Kahlan risked everything tofind Richard Cypher. But what she didn't expect was to develop feelings forhim. With a single touch, Kahlan can make anyone confess the truth. And she cancommand any man to do her bidding. However, those who confess to Kahlan alsofall hopelessly in love with her. It is her power. It is what makes people inthe Midlands respect Kahlan. Fear her. And it is Kahlan's curse, for shefinds herself drawn to Richard, as he does to her. But theirs is a love that cannever be fulfilled. For Kahlan must endure the lonely life of a Confessor. Andher purpose is to make certain Richard realizes the destiny of the Seeker, tostop the ruthless Darken Rahl. Nothing else matters for Kahlan, not even her ownhappiness. This is the embodiment of pure evil, in the face and golden form of a handsomeyoung man. Darken Rahl wants nothing less than total dominion over all of thefree world. He has expanded his empire of tyranny far beyond his homeland ofD'Hara and into the Midlands, town by town, person by person. In the wordsof the wizard Zedd: "Rahl's cruelty, his joy in the agonizing pain ofothers, is equaled only by the mask of gentleness he wears to draw his victimsinto his spell, and then enslave them forever." Through the use of dark magic and sorcery, evil wizards, duplicitouscollaborators and legions of soldiers, Rahl has stopped at nothing to achievehis ultimate goal. And nothing stands in his way, except the prophecy of theSeeker. This is the one man who can take down Darken Rahl, free the peopleenslaved under his rule and restore peace to the world. Now that Richard Cypheris revealed to be the true Seeker, Rahl has targeted him for death. Two men on acollision course with destiny. Only one will survive.