There's a funny side story here. I grew up in Fort Worth, Texas. Terrell is the 
home of the largest mental hospital in that part of the state. When i was a 
kid, people would always joke that someone who was acting wonky or off   "Must 
have come from Terrell".  See someone in the hood talking to himself? You knew 
he'd spent time in the Terrell mental ward--never mind the bottle of 
Thunderbird in his hand that was the source of his demons.   Anyone who was 
from that city was immediately viewed with suspicion, as if they were just 
going to start acting crazy at the drop of a hat. If you were tripping, people 
would say "Boy, quick acting crazy like you from Terrell".  (I imagine there 
are similar jokes about Bellvue in NYC).

So, all political correctness aside, as soon as I heard this story from Tracey, 
both I and my wife (who's from Dallas) thought, "Oh well, he's from Terrell", 
as if that explains it!

By the way, Jamie Foxx is from Terrell. If you could riff on him about that, 
I'm sure he'd get the joke! 

-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: "Tracey de Morsella" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Susan Smith Ross
Sent: Friday, November 07, 2008 4:13 PM
Subject: Terrell Texas Newspaper Omits Obama on Front Page
Omission of Obama on front page stirs protest 
09:11 PM CST on Thursday, November 6, 2008
TERRELL - Protestors spoke out Thursday against The Terrell Tribune's decision 
not to put Barack Obama's presidential victory on its front page. 
The day after Obama was elected as president, the banner headline for the 
Tribune focused on the county commissioner's race. The headline read, "Jackson 
defeats Schoen." 
About 25 residents, who said they had hoped to save the local paper with 
Obama's victory noted front page, picketed the newspaper's office Thursday. 
"That's what I wanted, a keepsake," said Lera Duncan, who was among the 
protestors. "And this was very disappointing to me." 
"They could have knocked me over with a feather," said Sarah Whitaker. "I was 
flabbergasted. I couldn't imagine such an historical event would not be on the 
front page somewhere on The Terrell Tribune." 
Protestors pointed out that on Election Day, the Tribune had printed a John 
McCain-focused story as their lead story on the front page. 
"It's not the people in the community," said another protestor. "It's the paper 
The Terrell Tribune's publisher, Bill Jordan, declined an on-camera interview. 
"We run a newspaper, not a memory book service," he said. "We covered the local 
commissioner's race. We thought that was more important." 
For those who may believe race played a part in the decision, the publisher 
pointed out that Democrat J.C. Jackson, who was at the center of the main story 
and who won the race for county commissioner, is an African American. 
But while there were a few Obama-related stories within the paper, there was no 
story devoted to the presidential victory. 

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