Cloverfield Remake Still In The Balance

13 November 2008 5:30 PM, PST

Cloverfield <>  director Matt Reeves
<>  is eager to make a sequel to the hit
movie - but he is struggling to think of a storyline.

The cult horror thriller grossed more than $170 million (GBP115 million)
worldwide despite being shot on a relatively low budget of $25 million
(GBP17 million).

Fans are eager to see a second installment but Reeves admits he and producer
J.J. Abrams <>  are struggling to come up
with new ideas.

He says, "At times it's gone dormant and then it's come back up again. There
are a couple ideas that have potential but we haven't quite cracked it yet."

Reeves also revealed he may consider giving up the director's hot seat if he
can't find a breakthrough.

He adds: "There was the thought that maybe we'd bring in some young exciting
people and we'd produce their take.

"I don't know at this point... I think if we find something that would be
incredibly fun to make and that we would want to watch then that's what
would push it over the top. It's a weird puzzle."


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