True, true. Just hope Senior is now done with all that speaking out loud...

-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: "Martin Baxter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Keith, I believe that Obama is a big enough man to know that the sins/stupidity 
of the father are not always visited upon the son.

---------[ Received Mail Content ]----------
Subject : [scifinoir2] OT: Obama Announces Resignation from Senate
Date : Thu, 13 Nov 2008 21:11:02 +0000
To :

I mentioned last week that one reason Jesse Jackson, Sr. needed to shut up 
(with his criticisms of Obama) is because of his son. Jesse Jr. is a big Obama 
supporter, and, I think a prime contender to fill Obama's Senate seat. If he 
does so--now or in the future--he'll need to build and maintain the same kind 
of coalitions that catapulted Obama to the White House. Reasoned critique is 
fine and necessary, but saying "I want to cut his b***s off" on Fox News? Not 
gonna help anyone. 
Let's hope those tears of Jesses on Election Night purged some of the animosity 
in his soul... 

Obama resigning Senate seat as of Sunday 
Lynn Sweet 
on November 13, 2008 1:36 PM | Permalink | Comments (13) 
WASHINGTON--President-elect Barack Obama will step down from his U.S. senate 
seat on Sunday, he said in a statement on Thursday. All political eyes in 
Illinois are on Gov. Rod Blagojevich to see who he will select to replace Obama 
for the two years remaining in his term. Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. (D-Ill.) has 
been the most overt in positioning himself, but other frontrunners include Rep. 
Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.) and Illinois Veterans Affairs Chief Tammy Duckworth, 
who Obama appeared with on Veterans Day. 
Blagojevich is under no legal deadline to select an Obama replacement. It's 
been a long time since an Illinois governor had this juicy a plum to give away: 
the last Senate vacancy was in 1969 when Ralph Tyler Smith was selected by then 
Gov. Richard Ogilvie to fill the slot left vacant by the death of Sen. Everett 

"It has been one of the highest honors and privileges of my life to have served 
the people of Illinois in the United States Senate. In a state that represents 
the crossroads of a nation, I have met so many men and women who've taken 
different journeys, but hold common hopes for their children's future. 
"It is these Illinois families and their stories that will stay with me as I 
leave the United States Senate and begin the hard task of fulfilling the simple 
hopes and common dreams of all Americans as our nation's next President,'" 
Obama said in a statement. 
� The Senate Office will remain open for a period of time, but no longer than 
60 days after the President-elect's resignation from the Senate. 
� During that time, the Senate staff will be in the process of closing the 
office, including archiving the Senate documents for the Presidential library 
and contacting constituents to inform them as to how any open casework will 
need to be handled. 
� The people of the State of Illinois will continue to be served - casework 
will be handled so as to ensure constituents receive the assistance they need. 
� The President-elect hopes to make the transition of the incoming Senator as 
smooth as possible. His staff will work with him/her to meet the needs of the 
people of Illinois.


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