Sheer intimidation, lol! I like it. Although, I woke up in the middle of the 
night (it's a usual thing) and what's on television but SuperJail. Has anyone 
seen this. The animation is gross in my opinion and not to my liking.... 
Another concept I totally dig executed by it's uh execution.

Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...
Lyrical Press October 2008

--- On Mon, 11/24/08, Martin Baxter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: Martin Baxter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [RE][scifinoir2] Grayson's Predicament
Date: Monday, November 24, 2008, 5:34 PM

More than welcome, Grayson!

And no, my work isn't posted anywhere online. I considered posting at one
website, but time said otherwise. (The story of my life... :-( ) Keith and Astro
here have read some of it, along with about seven other friends of mine. In this
story, my character used to deal with violence in the same way that a pre-teen
kid might, with an almost-gleeful abandon. A set piece in it, which I ahve yet
to fully explore, involves what's called the Death Register, when only the
most exceptionally brutal-yet-imaginitive deaths are recorded for posterity.. 
example I can give - one character is in the Register for convincing 150+ people
to airlock themselves, as opposed to fighting him. He got the write-up for sheer

---------[ Received Mail Content ]----------
 Subject : Re: [RE][scifinoir2] Grayson's Predicament
 Date : Mon, 24 Nov 2008 06:09:31 -0800 (PST)
 From : Grayson Reyes-Cole <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 To :

Thank you, Martin! Yeah, I'm solid on writing what I want to write, to post
or not to post was the question, and you helped me with that!
OK so I'm curious. You don't commit your work to .doc but you do have
it in some format that allows folks to make judgments regarding it's
hyper-violent-at-times nature? Hmmm. so does that mean your pieces are in posts
somewhere in the cyber nebulous?
On a side note... I'm studying violence in my own work. By nature, I'm
not a violent person and not into "torture porn" to use a phrase
I've seen a lot of lately, but my latest novel required violence, most of it
directed at the female main character and, strangely enough, most of it brought
on by herself. It's odd, horrific, eerie, disturbing, and I couldn't be
happier that the story came out of me...
Grayson Reyes-Cole 
Author of LPI's Mainstream Bestseller Bright Star 
When evil is done for the greater good, a price must always be paid...


--- On Sun, 11/23/08, Martin Baxter  wrote:

From: Martin Baxter 
Subject: [RE][scifinoir2] Grayson's Predicanment
Date: Sunday, November 23, 2008, 1:44 PM

Grayson, at the end of the day, we can only write what's inside of

To a degree, *all* of the stories I'm working on are of the
men-are-idiots-in-some-way vein, and the content, as you would know if I could
find the time to commit my work to a doc so that you could read it, is of the
hyper-violent-at-times variety, which has landed me in something of a conundrum
in a non-writing group I post at daily. (Another user is virulently
in almost all of his posts, something I call him out on, but several female
users don't see it that way at all, which has made me look at myself with a
critical eye regarding how my words might come across.) That brought me neatly
around to my initial statement.

Write. Post. Let the masses be judges, but not *the* judge.



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