

"Obsession: A History" by Lennard J. Davis

Julia Keller


November 29, 2008

When it comes to scholarly ideas, Lennard Davis flies by the seat of 
his pants.

But only if those pants are corduroy. And not just the seat. The rest 
of fabric, too, inspires reflection.

"I'm looking at my pants right now," Davis said in a phone interview, 
"and they're corduroy. All the lines are regularly spaced apart. Why 
is that? We live in a world of incredible regularity. Look at a brick 
building, or a venetian blind. We expect a geometric symmetry."

And yet for most of human history, until interchangeable parts 
revolutionized industrial capacity in the 19th Century, Davis noted, 
we lived in an irregular world, a world of curves and squiggles 
instead of straight lines, a world of craggy imperfection. Our 
expectation—sometimes, even our craving—for regularity has made a 
household acronym out of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), one of 
several obsessions that seems endemic to modern life.

"Obsession now defines our culture," Davis declares in his new book, 
an elegantly written and provocatively argued cultural commentary 
titled "Obsession: A History."

For Davis, an English professor at the University of Illinois at 
Chicago and pioneering scholar in the field of disability studies who 
also teaches in UIC's medical school, obsession is the default 
position of contemporary life. Consider a TV series such as "Monk," 
whose title character has OCD, as well as our celebration of real-life 
folks with a driving, single-minded focus, from Olympic Gold Medalist 
Michael Phelps to Microsoft founder Bill Gates.

"We live in a culture," Davis writes, "that wants its love affairs 
obsessive, its artists obsessed, its genius fixated, its music driven, 
its athletes devoted. We're told that without the intensity provided 
by an obsession things are only done by halves. Our standards need to 
be extreme, our outcomes intense.

"To be obsessive is to be American, to be modern."

It was not until the late 19th Century, as the scientific revolution 
began to grip the world like a pair of tongs does a test tube, that 
obsession became "a secular, medical phenomenon," Davis writes. Yet 
the term has never been a stable category. When does an eccentricity 
become an obsession? When does a quirk become a pathology? You can't 
understand obsession, the professor believes, without considering "the 
social, cultural, historical, anthropological and political" swirl in 
which it lives.

We all have a touch of obsessiveness, Davis says. And to refine his 
own thinking about obsession, he recalls, he had to switch from 
corduroy trousers to running shorts, because he often gets his 
brainstorms while exercising.

"I tend to engage in constructive obsessions."


Obsession: A History 

By Lennard J. Davis

University of Chicago Press

272 pages, $27.50

Copyright © 2008, Chicago Tribune

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