"Bad Science <http://io9.com/5102902/bad-science-can-lead-to-good-stories>
Can Lead To Good Stories - My favorite science fiction movies generally deal
in some really, really bad science. Laws of physics are regularly flouted.
Aliens make no physiological sense. That's because the directors are just
using fragments of science to assemble fiction that reach down deep inside
us, not to our internal database of scientific facts, but to our addiction
to beautiful images and human stories. Science fiction movies are not really
about science." Carl Zimmer - Discover Magazine

science-fiction-movie-or-i-am-doooomed/>  Search For the Great Science
Fiction Movie (or, I Am Doooomed)

By Carl Zimmer

I was in New York yesterday to give a talk about evolution, which was
simultaneously a Rockefeller University Science and Media Series Lecture,
and a New York Skeptics Society Public Lecture. We had a great turn-out: as
I told the crowd, there's nothing a public speaker likes to see more than a
serious fire hazard. The talk was recorded, and I'm hoping soon to be able
to direct you to it.

One of the many reasons I enjoy giving these lectures is that I can meet
people before and after my talk. Yesterday I met a number of interesting
folks, including Alexis <http://www.imaginaldisc.com/bio/>  Gambis, who
somehow manages, all at once, to pursue a Ph.D. by researching neurons, make
science-themed movies, and even run a
<http://gothamist.com/2008/10/15/alexis_gambis.php>  festival of science
movies. We got to talking about movies and science-there is a lot of buzz
these days about how scientists can get involved in the movie-making
process. The National Academy of Sciences has even dispatched emissaries
<http://www.scienceandentertainmentexchange.org/>  to Hollywood "to help
bring the reality of cutting-edge science to creative and engaging

Scientists who get involved in these kinds of projects hope to do some good.
They hope that they can get rid of misleading representations of science in
movies, and help movies to convey what science really tells us, or what
science really is. (This is my impression from speaking to these folks and
reading some of their blogs, etc. If you're one of those scientists, leave a
comment to tell me if this is wrong.)

When I get on this subject, as I did with Gambis yesterday, I turn into a
raging skeptic. It's probably not a very helpful response, and I'm not sure
why it gains so much momentum inside of me. But I started raving yesterday.
My favorite science fiction movies generally deal in some really, really bad
science. Laws of physics are regular flouted. Aliens make no physiological

That's because the directors are just using fragments of science to assemble
fiction that reaches down deep inside us, not to our internal database of
scientific facts, but to our addiction to beautiful images and human
stories. Science fiction movies are not really about science. I just watched
Wall-E and liked it very much, not because I learned about robotics (I
didn't), but because the movie's creators paid close attention to how Buster
Keaton made love stories. On the other hand, I watched GATTACA years ago and
found the science side relatively clever and the plot as tedious as a tax
form. You can't just add good science to Hollywood like pixie dust and get
good movies.

I do think it's great for scientists to help steer Hollywood away from
pernicious myths about science. But there are limits to how far this
fact-checking can go. Another grad student who was talking with Gambis and
me yesterday complained about how bogus forensics is on CSI. Results of DNA
tests just pop up in minutes. He complained about all the people who would
crowd around a machine waiting for the results-"All that hair!" he said in

Fair enough. But let's imagine CSI with all the tedium and dreariness that
goes into good forensic work. Tonight on CSI: our heroes wait for results.
And wait. And wait! Next week: the samples were lost, so our heroes have to
run the test again! We watch movies and TV shows to escape reality, not to
be enslaved by it.

I will also grant that Hollywood can find huge amounts of inspiration in
science. I myself ended up writing about science because it was far weirder
than things I could think of myself. But (yes, there's always a but) I think
a good Hollywood director can find inspiration in economics, politics,
crime, and the lives of bored housewives. What matters most, however, is
whether the director knows how to turn the raw ingredients into a good

Once I was done with this riff with Gambis, I wondered if I was making any
sense. Perhaps there's a kind of science-based movie that transcends my
skeptical take. By eerie coincidence, I just got an email from Netflix
saying <http://www.netflix.com/NetflixReadyDevices?lnkce=nrd-otab>  that
with my Mac I can now watch an unlimited number of free movies on my
computer. I'm now scanning through their science fiction collection
(everything from Contact to Plan 9 From Outer Space) to conduct a little
"research." In my heart of hearts, I know that what I'm really doing is
setting up my own professional downfall, because I'm going to watch movies
all day long. But if anyone thinks I'm totally off the mark, please suggest
to me a movie that proves me wrong.


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