I hope not, either, Keith. I'd fully intended to get past my fears and go to 
see this, but I was tied up on several fronts and unable to free myself up this 

---------[ Received Mail Content ]----------

 Subject : [scifinoir2] Animated 'Delgo' Has Worst Wide Release Opening Ever

 Date : Tue, 16 Dec 2008 05:29:16 +0000

 From : keithbjohn...@comcast.net

 To : scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com

This makes me sad. I read about Adler in a local Atlanta circular called 
"Creative Loafing" several years ago. The article caught me because it dealt 
with an animated film from someone other than Dreamworks, Disney, or Pixar. As 
such, i celebrated a truly independent effort. And the fact that it was a small 
group of guys right here in Atlanta--far outside the Hollywood circuit--was 
cool too. Alas and alack, it appears the effort didn't pay off. They say there 
was little to no marketing, and I guess i have to agree: I saw only a small 
handful of commercials, and even then I didn't realize it was the same film I'd 
read about all those years ago. But worst is the fact that it's simply not that 
good a movie, apparently. There is such a thing as a sleeper hit: had it be 
great, word-of-mouth could have helped offset the marketing problem.

Too bad: I hope this doesn't put another nail in the coffin of indie animation 

Animated 'Delgo' Has Worst Wide Release Opening Ever
by Jonathan Crow    December 15, 2008
 Don't feel too left out if you missed seeing the animated adventure movie 
"Delgo" this past weekend. No one did. In fact, the movie broke a record for 
having the worst opening ever for a film in wide release. "Delgo" earned a 
measly $511,920 this weekend on 2,160 screens, not even breaking the top ten. 
That's an average of $237 per screen for the three days. If you figure there 
were five screenings a day, and assume ticket prices are about $8, that comes 
out to two people in the theater per showing. By comparison, the Golden 
Globe-nominated drama "Doubt" earned roughly the same amount of money, but it 
was only in 15 theaters. 
This is all too bad because the story of the making of "Delgo" has the makings 
of a great Hollywood underdog story. 36-year-old entrepreneur Marc Adler 
decided he wanted to direct and produce a $40 million computer animated kids' 
flick completely independent of Tinseltown behemoths like Disney and 
Starting in 2001, Adler and his small Atlanta-based animation company Fathom 
Studios toiled for years on a tight budget. They lined up an impressive, if 
eclectic, cast of voice actors including Freddie Prinze Jr., Jennifer Love 
Hewitt, Val Kilmer, Malcolm McDowell, Kelly Ripa, and Anne Bancroft in her 
final role (she died in 2005). And when Adler couldn't get a Hollywood studio 
interested in his movie, he raised eyebrows by releasing it himself through 
distributor-for-hire Freestyle Releasing. It was a huge risk; one that 
ultimately didn't pay off. There wasn't the sort of marketing budget needed to 
make a film stand out in the already crowded holiday movie season. 
Another problem was the quality of the movie. Or lack thereof. The story -- 
star-crossed lovers squaring off against an evil queen on a fanciful world 
divided between a reptilian people who can move rocks with their minds and a 
sprite-like folk who like dragons -- borrows liberally from "Star Wars," "The 
Lord of the Rings" and "The Dark Crystal," just without the charm and 
intelligence. The script required the efforts of six, count 'em, six 
screenwriters, including Adler. The critics trashed it, giving it a dreadful D 
average on Yahoo!, which proved to be lethal. 
"Delgo" is not the only major wide release bomb of the year. Three of the ten 
worst openings for films in over 2000 locations came out this year. The raunchy 
teen sex comedy "College" and the thriller "Deception," starring Hugh Jackson 
and Ewan MacGregor, both tanked, garnering the sixth and ninth worst openings 
ever respectively. In both of those cases, the studios dumped the movies with 
little fanfare rather than spend millions on marketing a stinker. Here is Box 
Office Mojo's list of the ten biggest wide release bombs: 
RankTitleOpeningTheatersPer Screen AverageRelease Date 
3Major League: Back to the Minors$2,087,0112,322$8994/17/98
4The Real Cancun$2,108,7962,261$9324/25/03
6The Adventures of Pluto Nash$2,182,9002,320$9408/16/02
7All Dogs Go to Heaven 2$2,256,1182,037$1,1073/29/96
9I Dreamed of Africa$2,411,4452,112$1,1415/5/00
10Teacher's Pet$2,461,2522,027$1,2141/16/04


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