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Sent: Wednesday, December 24, 2008 7:10 AM




December 23, 2008

Blind, Yet Seeing: The Brain’s Subconscious Visual Sense 


<<The new report is the first to show it in a person whose visual lobes — one 
in each hemisphere, under the skull at the back of the head — were completely 
destroyed. The finding suggests that people with similar injuries may be able 
to recover some crude visual sense with practice.>>

The man, an [African] doctor left blind by two successive strokes, refused to 
take part in the experiment. He could not see anything, he said, and had no 
interest in navigating an obstacle course — a cluttered hallway — for the 
benefit of science. Why bother?
When he finally tried it, though, something remarkable happened. He zigzagged 
down the hall, sidestepping a garbage can, a tripod, a stack of paper and 
several boxes as if he could see everything clearly. A researcher shadowed him 
in case he stumbled. 
“You just had to see it to believe it,” said Beatrice de Gelder, a 
neuroscientist at Harvard 
  and Tilburg University in the Netherlands, who with an international team of 
brain researchers reported on the patient on Monday in the journal Current 
Biology. A video is online at
The study, which included extensive brain imaging, is the most dramatic 
demonstration to date of so-called blindsight, the native ability to sense 
things using the brain’s primitive, subcortical — and entirely subconscious — 
visual system. 
Scientists have previously reported cases of blindsight in people with partial 
damage to their visual lobes. The new report is the first to show it in a 
person whose visual lobes — one in each hemisphere, under the skull at the back 
of the head — were completely destroyed. The finding suggests that people with 
similar injuries may be able to recover some crude visual sense with practice.
“It’s a very rigorously done report and the first demonstration of this in 
someone with apparent total absence of a striate cortex, the visual processing 
region,” said Dr. Richard Held, an emeritus professor of cognitive and brain 
science at the Massachusetts 
  Institute of Technology, who with Ernst Pöppel and Douglas Frost wrote the 
first published account of blindsight in a person, in 1973.
The man in the new study, an African living in Switzerland at the time, 
suffered the two strokes in his 50s, weeks apart, and was profoundly blind by 
any of the usual measures. Unlike people suffering from eye injuries, or 
congenital blindness 
  in which the visual system develops abnormally, his brain was otherwise 
healthy, as were his eyes, so he had the necessary tools to process 
subconscious vision. What he lacked were the circuits that cobble together a 
clear, conscious picture.
The research team took brain scans and magnetic resonance images to see the 
damage, finding no evidence of visual activity in the cortex. They also found 
no evidence that the patient was navigating by echolocation, the way that bats 
do. Both the patient, T. N., and the researcher shadowing him walked the course 
in silence.
The man himself was as dumbfounded as anyone that he was able to navigate the 
obstacle course.
“The more educated people are,” Dr. de Gelder said, “in my experience, the less 
likely they are to believe they have these resources that they are not aware of 
to avoid obstacles. And this was a very educated person.”
Scientists have long known that the brain digests what comes through the eyes 
using two sets of circuits. Cells in the retina project not only to the visual 
cortex — the destroyed regions in this man — but also to subcortical areas, 
which in T. N. were intact. These include the superior colliculus, which is 
crucial in eye movements and may have other sensory functions; and, probably, 
circuits running through the amygdala, which registers emotion. 
In an earlier experiment, one of the authors of the new paper, Dr. Alan Pegna 
of Geneva University Hospitals 
 , found that the same African doctor had emotional blindsight. When presented 
with images of fearful faces, he cringed subconsciously in the same way that 
almost everyone does, even though he could not consciously see the faces. The 
subcortical, primitive visual system apparently registers not only solid 
objects but also strong social signals. 
Dr. Held, the M.I.T. neuroscientist, said that in lower mammals these midbrain 
systems appeared to play a much larger role in perception. In a study of rats 
published in the journal Science last Friday, researchers demonstrated that 
cells deep in the brain were in fact specialized to register certain qualities 
of the environment. 
They include place cells, which fire when an animal passes a certain landmark, 
and head-direction cells, which track which way the face is pointing. But the 
new study also found strong evidence of what the scientists, from the Norwegian 
University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, called “border cells,” which 
fire when an animal is close to a wall or boundary of some kind.
All of these types of neurons, which exist in some form in humans, may too have 
assisted T. N. in his navigation of the obstacle course.
In time, and with practice, people with brain injuries may learn to lean more 
heavily on such subconscious or semiconscious systems, and perhaps even begin 
to construct some conscious vision from them. 
“It’s not clear how sharp it would be,” Dr. Held said. “Probably a vague, 
low-resolution spatial sense. But it might allow them to move around more 


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