True. You know, despite his appearance and who he married, I find myself 
calling Obama "a man of color", not a "black" man. He is indeed bi-racial, not 
just black, and that--excuse the pun--colors his lifeview in many ways.

-------------- Original message -------------- 

I agree with you, Tracey. He, as an African American candidate (although he is 
truly multi-racial), cannot appear as favoring one ethnicity over another; but 
the fact of the matter is that traditionally, every group wants more 
representation and they will be dissatisfied. Even women are very dissatisfied, 
but in the end, it is policies and its implementation that will matter most, as 
you have pointed out.

In a message dated 12/24/2008 9:56:23 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
I’m not that pleased with Obama these days, but also I do not have a problem 
with the races of his picks.  He has 4 blacks, 3 Latinos, 2 Asians, original 
Americans finally running the Indian Affairs departments, a large percentage of 
women and I think there were two gays being considered.  I do not know whether 
they were ultimately chosen.  At this point, with the degree of diversity in 
the cabinet, I’m more concerned about the policies of the people selected 
than their races.  With Latino’s having as large a representation as Blacks 
and women also being an important constituency, and whites still being is a 
majority position in this country, I’m not sure if it is realistic to expect 
that the cabinet be dominated by Blacks.  
I’m not  that happy about many of the picks, but the race of the picks is not 
at issue for me.  I think a diverse cabinet is appropriate
From: Cinque3000 [] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 24, 2008 10:59 AM
To: 'Albert Fields'; 'Michael Gordon'; 'Keith Johnson'
Cc: 'Tracey de Morsella';;;;;; 'Cleo';;;; 'Kai 
Pettaway';; 'Kera';;; 
'Seku Brathwaite'; 'Valery Jean'; 'Wendell Theophilus Smith'; 'Whitney J 
Subject: RE: Didja Catch The Lovefest Yesterday?
Well the CBC is annoyed with Obama according to Howard University paper

From: Albert Fields [] 
Sent: Saturday, November 08, 2008 11:27 PM
To: Michael Gordon; Keith Johnson
Cc: Tracey de Morsella;;;;;; CINQUE; Cleo;;;; Kai 
Pettaway;; Kera;;; 
Seku Brathwaite; Valery Jean; Wendell Theophilus Smith; Whitney J Evans;
Subject: Re: Didja Catch The Lovefest Yesterday?
On the Bill Marr show on friday, he projected that the repubs and media was 
going to wait and jump Obama after became official.  He likened it to the bill 
clinton era and asked/pleaded that they work with obama rather than sniping at 
I hope enough of the press heard this show that they will take heed.
On another note, i wonder if the Black Congressional Congress or Black Social 
Leaders gonna make an appointment to meet with obama to lay out some 
suggestions/plans that they want?
I saw an article that made the point that this is the first time in modern era 
where the black leadership did not go make demands to the democratic 
party/candidate for black agenda.
Do you think the BCC/Black Leadership should be SO POLITE that they cannot make 
demands because it will look like he is attacking a brother?
"El mundo es tuyo" 

From: Michael Gordon <>
To: Keith Johnson <>
Cc: Tracey de Morsella <>;;;;; Albert Fields <>;; CINQUE <>; Cleo 
<>;;;; Kai Pettaway <>;; 
Kera <>;;; Seku 
Brathwaite <>; Valery Jean <>; 
Wendell Theophilus Smith <>; Whitney J Evans 
Sent: Saturday, November 8, 2008 10:14:00 PM
Subject: Re: Didja Catch The Lovefest Yesterday?

Dear Keith,

How thoughtfully and beautifully stated. Thank you. That is how I felt too but 
didn't have the grace that you have in describing that the way you did.

On Sat, Nov 8, 2008 at 7:44 PM, Keith Johnson <> wrote:
Man, did you see this press conference yesterday? I swear, I haven't seen the 
members of the press so happy in years. They were positively giddy! Every 
single person called on was beaming, and they were so respectful: "Thank you 
for taking my question, Mr. President-elect!"  I could tell they were 
struggling not to go ahead and call him Mr. Prez.  And Obama was oh-so-smooth 
as always, of course calling everyone by name, doing that slight frown of 
concentration that's his hallmark, that makes you feel like you're the most 
important person to him at that moment.  The funniest moment to me was when a 
reporter with her arm in a sling stood up, and Obama said "What happened to 
your arm?", to which she replied breathlessly, "I hurt it running to get to 
your acceptance speech, Mr. President-elect!"   Obama then made some joke about 
that being the only major incident on Election Day, and gave his cool laugh,  
to which everyone in the room l aughed gaily. I found out later from Tracey 
this selfsame reporter had a history of trashing the man, but I sure couldn't 
tell with her schoolgirl crush behaviour! They even chuckled delightedly when 
he called himself a "mutt".
Guess I can't blame the press for being so excited though. After eight years of 
Bush silence, media blackouts, misdirections, and reporters being shut out of 
conferences at the White House, Obama's new attitude must seem like a breath of 
very fresh air! 
Obama urges Bush, Congress to pass a stimulus package
The president-elect also pushes for a $25 billion bailout of the auto industry 
before he takes office.
Barack Obama isn't president yet. He doesn't want to appear to be trying to 
usurp President Bush's authority. But he's still going to speak his mind – 
politely – about some things he thinks the government should do to jump-start 
the ailing US economy.
That was the overall impression President-elect Obama appeared to be trying to 
give in his first public remarks following his election as the nation's 44th 
occupant of the Oval Office.
In particular, Obama said that he believes that Congress should pass, and the 
current president should sign, some sort of broad government spending package 
as an attempt at economic stimulus.
"I want to see a stimulus package sooner rather than later. If it does not get 
done in a lame-duck session, it will be the first thing I do as president of 
the United States," said Obama during a press conference held at Chicago's 
Hilton Hotel.
Obama also urged the current administration to accelerate the provision of $25 
billion in Energy Department loans for the auto industry. This money, already 
approved by both Congress and the White House, is intended to provide cash for 
hard-pressed US automakers to design and engineer new fuel-efficient vehicles.
Assistance for state and local governments struggling from declining tax 
revenues will also be high on Obama's agenda in his initial days in office.
"We are facing the greatest economic challenge of our lifetime and we're going 
to have to move swiftly to resolve it," he said.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D) of California has already called for a two-part 
economic stimulus package that would consist of a $100 billion package passed 
by a lame-duck session, followed by some sort of permanent tax cut after 
Obama's inauguration.
The first stimulus installment would include some kind of government-funded 
public-works effort as well as an extension of unemployment benefits.
Mr. Bush has said he is open to working with Congress on a stimulus package. 
But in the past he has opposed big US spending on new infrastructure, among 
other things.
"We've long said that the package that [House Democrats] have put forward so 
far was not something that we thought that we could support," White House 
spokeswoman Dana Perino said on Nov. 6.
The stagecraft of the initial press conference of the Obama executive era was 
clearly intended to send the message that dealing with the economy will be his 
administration's No. 1 job.
Members of his economic transition advisory board filed out first, forming a 
large semicircle behind the podium from which the president-elect spoke.
"Immediately after I become president I am going to confront this economic 
crisis head on," said Obama.
Obama faces two conflicting imperatives regarding the nation's problems, 
according to presidential transition experts.
On the one hand, he's being pressured to jump right in and begin to formulate 
policy. On the other, he does not want to become saddled with responsibility 
for policies that he does not yet have the power to design and implement as he 
sees fit.
"He's taking office at a time of our most challenging transition since the 
Great Depression," said Darrell West, vice president of governance studies at 
the Brookings Institution, at a Nov. 7 post-election seminar.
Perhaps Obama's biggest problem right now is unrealistic expectations, said Mr. 
West. To avoid a backlash of disappointment among voters, Obama may need to 
push at the beginning of his term for measures that can gain some bipartisan 
support and thus pass Congress relatively quickly.
"He can do that with a stimulus package," said West.
Obama is making the right move by assembling his White House team before moving 
on the cabinet, said Leon Panetta, who served in the White House as chief of 
staff under President Clinton.
In his first personnel move, Obama named Illinois Rep. Rahm Emanuel his chief 
of staff. But his next step should be assembling his economic team, in 
particular, naming his secretary of the Treasury.
"That's what America is looking for right now," said Mr. Panetta.
Obama, for his part, declined at his press conference to be drawn into 
speculation about possible Treasury picks. He will make cabinet appointments in 
due time, he said.
"I want to move with all deliberate haste. And I want to emphasize 
'deliberate,' as well as 'haste‚' " he said.
Obama said that he had spoken with all living ex-presidents as well as the 
current president since Election Day. "They have all been very gracious," he 
The president-elect was cautious in discussing his response to a lengthy 
congratulatory letter from Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
"Iran's development of a nuclear weapon is unacceptable…. I will be reviewing 
the letter and I will respond appropriately," said Obama.
And the president-elect noted that the choice of a White House dog is a "major 
issue" in the Obama household. While he promised his daughters they could have 
a dog if he won, one of them is diagnosed as allergic to dogs, so the new pet 
must be a breed that is "hypoallergenic," Obama said.
They would also like to get a shelter dog, but that may not be possible, given 
that most shelter dogs are "mutts like me," said Obama.

Professor Emeritus Indiana University

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