(begins humming "Werewolves of LaCrosse")

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 Subject : [scifinoir2] Re: Sometimes SciFi Movies Do Serve a Purpose

 Date : Mon, 05 Jan 2009 13:58:29 -0000

 From : "ravenadal" <ravena...@yahoo.com>

 To : scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com

I don't know how I missed this thread the first time - as I hail from 
the great state of Wisconsin - but I found this on IMDB:

Based on actual accounts of werewolf sightings in Walworth County, 
Wisconsin, the film follows a local sheriff who is finally forced to 
accept that a string of horrifying deaths is linked to a predator 
which possesses DNA of both man and wolf. 

I also direct you to the "Beast of Bray Road" Wikipedia page:


Man, I tell ya, makes ya proud to be a Wisconsinite!


--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, keithbjohn...@... wrote:
> So, I'm sitting here on a cold, wet day in the ATL, a little down in 
the dumps: bemoaning my fate in life, ranting about the evils of Palin 
and McCain, concerned about the economy. Devastated that the Cowboys-
-America's Team--suck (as I'm sure we all are). While trying to take 
a nap, I do some channel surfing and decide to see what's on the SciFi 
Channel, and what do I find? Some Z-grade movie called "The Beast of 
Bray Street". The "plot", as it were, appears to deal with a couple 
of dudes who are werewolf hunters, who end up fighting a nubile lass 
who is herself a nasty lycanthrope. The plot doesn't matter, of 
course, nor does it matter who starred in the film. (Probably unknown 
actors who'll end up in adult films later on). What got my attention 
was how incredibly, badly cheesy this film was! I mean, the blood 
splattering all over the place was fake, the werewolf effect (glowing 
green eyes) to start reminded me of Michael Jackson's glowing eyes in 
"Thriller", and the final we
> rewolf form was horrible. It was obviously somoene in a bad werewolf 
costume!! Remember those old Three Stooges or Albert and Costello 
shows where there'd be a fierce gorilla and it was painfully apparent 
that it was actually a man in a moldy suit? That's how bad the 
werewolf lady was done here. It was so bad I laughed my butt off. And 
of course, in the true tradition of all crappy horror movies, there 
are contrived moments to draw out the suspense: the gun that works 
perfectly until the critical moment, the character so incredibly dumb 
that they can't tell the good guy form the bad, the monster 
inexplicably taking her time doing the final killing of the final hero 
so he can scramble for a gun. It was horribly, badly cheesy, and I 
have to say I loved it! 
> And the funniest thing? The end credits of the movie stated "This 
film is dedicated to the great state of Wisconsin". Huh? So it was 
shot there, but why dedicate a werewolf flick to the state? Does 
America's Dairyland possess a deep dark secret amidst all those cows 
and cheese? Wow--werewolf dairy farmers, there's a scary concept!
> Martin, I guess some days "skiffy" is good for something after all.


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