Object lesson here, gentlefolk?

Never jump into the big, showy limo with all of the bells and whistles, because 
a *better* limo is just around the corner.

---------[ Received Mail Content ]----------

 Subject : [scifinoir2] Blu-ray's_Fuzzy_Future__-_get_ready_for_TV_downloads

 Date : Mon, 5 Jan 2009 17:54:00 -0800

 From : "Tracey de Morsella" <tdli...@multiculturaladvantage.com>

 To : <scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com>,     "CINQUE " <cinque3...@verizon.net>,     
<ggs...@yahoo.com>,     "'Chris de Morsella'" <cdemorse...@yahoo.com>,  "'paul 
demorsella'" <pc...@yahoo.com>

January 5, 2009

Blu-ray's Fuzzy Future 


ndex.html?inline=nyt-per> and BRAD STONE


The biggest news at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas last January
was not the birth of a new product but the death of one.

A decision by Warner Brothers

ment_inc/index.html?inline=nyt-org> to withdraw support for the HD DVD
video disc format sent shock waves through the electronics industry and
appeared to hand the future of home entertainment to Blu-ray, a rival

The move set the stage for this year's Consumer Electronics Show, which
starts Wednesday under the dark cloud of a recession and a sharp downturn in
consumer spending. Nearly two million square feet of convention hall will be
stocked with the latest mobile phones, portable music players, digital
cameras and expensive flat-screen televisions.

But many eyes will be on Blu-ray, which for the first time has the floor
largely to itself as the heir apparent to the DVD. Over the last decade, DVD
players and discs have generated tens of billions of dollars for Hollywood
and the consumer electronics industry, so the pressure for a blockbuster
sequel is high.

This year will be crucial for the new format. Heavy holiday discounting and
the natural decline in electronics prices over time have pushed prices for
some Blu-ray players under $200, a drop of well more than half in the last
few years - and into the realm of affordability for many. At the same time,
Blu-ray's backers, including Sony

x.html?inline=nyt-org> and the Walt Disney Company

ndex.html?inline=nyt-org> , face a growing chorus of skeptics that says the
window for a high-definition disc format may be closing fast. 

One reason is that discs of all kinds may become obsolete as a new wave of
digital media services starts to flow into the living room. On Monday, for
example, the Korean television maker LG Electronics plans to announce a new
line of high-definition televisions that connect directly to the Internet
with no set-top box required. The televisions will be able to play movies
and television shows from online video-on-demand services, including Netflix

l?inline=nyt-org> . 

"The Blu-ray format is in jeopardy simply because the advent of downloadable
HD movies is so close," said Roger L. Kay, president of Endpoint
Technologies Associates. a research and consulting company. "Streaming video
from the Internet and other means of direct digital delivery are going to
put optical formats out of business entirely over the next few years."

Blu-ray's supporters have another view. They say the technology had a
breakout year, crowned by the holiday success of "The Dark Knight," which
sold 600,000 Blu-ray copies in one day. They also say that Blu-ray players
are selling faster than DVD players did at a comparable time in their

"What we saw in 2008 was increasing adoption of Blu-ray along with
decreasing hardware prices," said Reed Hastings, the chief executive of
Netflix, which has persuaded more than half a million members to pay an
extra dollar a month to rent Blu-ray discs. "The window of opportunity for
DVD and Blu-ray discs is longer than most people think. But it's not going
to last forever."

The Consumer Electronics Association predicts that North American consumers
will spend $1.3 billion on Blu-ray players in 2009, outpacing the projected
$1.2 billion that will be spent on regular DVD players, although Blu-ray
players are two to three times more expensive. 

Last year "was a launching pad, and 2009 is going to be our growth year,"
said Andy Parsons, the chairman of the Blu-ray Disc Association, a
consortium of the format's backers. "We think this year we'll start to see
the format really take off into the mass market."

But evidence exists that many people either do not know enough about Blu-ray
to buy or do not think the more expensive players and discs are worth the
extra investment.

Going from the whirring VCRs of yore to a DVD player was a big leap in
picture quality and convenience, while the jump from DVD to Blu-ray is
subtler, at least for those who do not have the latest and largest
high-definition televisions. 

Americans are still expected to buy more standard DVD players next year than
Blu-ray players, according to the Consumer Electronics Association. People
like Erik Swenson, a 37-year-old interior designer in San Francisco,
represent one reason. "I've heard of Blu-ray, but I don't know much about
it," he said, shopping last week at a Best Buy

x.html?inline=nyt-org> for a DVD player. "I'm a little behind with this
tech stuff."

Blu-ray's backers acknowledge that they have a tougher sell with Blu-ray
than they did with DVD, particularly in light of the sour economy.

"Satisfaction with DVD is very high, and sales figures for the DVD, though
the market is contracting, are very strong," said Chris Fawcett, vice
president for the home audio and video division of Sony Electronics, which
has lowered growth projections for Blu-ray to account for the downturn in
consumer spending.

But Mr. Fawcett also said that technology companies, electronics makers,
movie studios and retailers have made a significant investment in developing
and promoting the format and are largely united in their determination to
see it succeed.

That commitment has been on display recently. In November, a group of
studios and electronics manufacturers began a $25 million barrage of
television commercials, using the theme "Tru Blu" and promoting Blu-ray as
"the best way to watch movies at home. Ever." 

On Black Friday

s_and_trade/black_friday/index.html?inline=nyt-classifier> , the crucial
shopping day after Thanksgiving, electronics manufacturers coordinated with
retailers to heavily discount Blu-ray players. As a result, sales surged.

The continued push for Blu-ray will be a central theme at the Consumer
Electronics Show, as manufacturers introduce new players and continue to cut
prices on older models. Analysts say they expect companies to announce more
support for a feature called BD Live (as in Blu-ray disc live), which lets
people download additional material from the Internet and interact with
friends in text chats that appear on the television while playing a movie.

Consumers must buy adapters to bring most Blu-ray players online, though
devices to be unveiled at the show may have Internet access built in. 

Integrating the Internet may be a matter of survival for Blu-ray, because
the Internet is shaping up to be its biggest rival. More services are
popping up that let people download high-definition movies and shows
directly to their televisions and home computers.

There are 1,092 discs available in Blu-ray format, mostly new movies like
"The Dark Knight" and "Wall-E." Apple

dex.html?inline=nyt-org> 's iTunes Store introduced high-definition movies a
year ago and already has 600 titles available to rent or download. A similar
Internet-connected box, Vudu, can access about 1,400 high-definition films. 

"When Vudu popped up and had more high-definition movies than Blu-ray, it
was a warning sign," said Rob Enderle, president of the Enderle Group, which
advises technology companies like Microsoft

/index.html?inline=nyt-org> and Toshiba. "I think Blu-ray can sustain
itself as a transition technology, but, at the end of the day, I don't think
it will ever replace the DVD."

Still, for some consumers, nothing beats the crisp, clear picture of a
Blu-ray disc. "It's a huge difference," said Gary Tsang, 31, a computer
network engineer in San Francisco who bought a $299 Blu-ray player in
October and was among the shoppers who rushed out to buy "The Dark Knight"
last month. 

Mr. Tsang added that Blu-ray made a real difference only when viewed on a
good high-definition television, like the one his family bought in February
for $2,700. "We're not bleeding edge, but we're cutting edge."



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