>From Scientific American

Chastising the Cherry-Picking McCain-Palin Ticket

How the Republican ticket incorrectly referred to science on the campaign

By Steve Mirsky 

You're not supposed to kick a guy when he's down.

Of course, in reality, when he's down is the perfect time to kick him. He's
closer to your feet, for one thing. But the particular kicking I have in
mind should be thought of as tough love. These kicks at the freshly defeated
McCain-Palin ticket, as I write in early November, are an attempt to knock
some sense back into the group of my fellow Americans who seem determined to
ignore or even denigrate valuable scientific research because it's something
outside the realm of Joe the Plumber's daily activities.

So let's review. During the presidential campaign, Senator John McCain
repeatedly attacked a specific bit of federal funding to study bear DNA.
"You know, we spent $3 million to study the DNA of bears in Montana. I don't
know if that was a criminal issue or a paternal issue," he said in his first
debate with Senator Barack Obama. (That attempt at humor went over like an
iridium balloon, which is denser than a lead balloon.) As an article
published in February on the Scientific American Web site showed, the money
(actually closer to $5 million since 2003) is paying for an accurate
population count of grizzlies living on the eight million acres of the
Northern Continental Divide Ecosystem.

Says biologist Richard Mace of Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks, "We have a
federal law called the Endangered Species Act, and [under this law] the
federal government is supposed to help identify and conserve threatened
species." The first step to protect endangered grizzlies is to know how many
there are. A reliable-and safe-way to do that is to set up barbed wire
stations that grab fur as a grizzly wanders by. The researchers retrieve the
fur and analyze the DNA to count individuals. Some bear haters, such as
comic commentator Stephen Colbert, may question the need to save the
grizzlies in the first place. But unless the Endangered Species Act is
changed, federal law requires this expenditure. Strike one.

In the second debate McCain attacked Obama for voting for funding that
included what the Arizona senator called "$3 million for an overhead
projector at a planetarium in Chicago, Illinois. My friends, do we need to
spend that kind of money?" Well, yes. (Three Chicago-area Republican members
of the House of Representatives thought so, too.)

It's possible that the last time McCain attended a science talk the lecturer
put transparencies on an overhead projector, state-of-the-art multimedia
equipment half a century ago. But this projector, meant for the
world-renowned Adler Planetarium, is somewhat different. It's a star
projection system, of course. The planetarium issued a statement after that
debate: "To clarify, the Adler Planetarium requested federal support-which
was not funded-to replace the projector in its historic Sky Theater, the
first planetarium theater in the Western Hemisphere. The Adler's Zeiss Mark
VI projector-not an overhead projector-is the instrument that re-creates the
night sky in a dome theater, the quintessential planetarium experience. The
Adler's projector is nearly 40 years old and is no longer supported with
parts or service by the manufacturer." I don't know how many kids started a
life-long interest in science at a sky show at a planetarium, but I bet we
hear from some of you out there. Swing and a miss, strike two.

Then came the coup de graceless. On October 24 vice presidential candidate
Governor Sarah Palin took on what looked through her designer eyeglasses
like silly pork-barrel spending by the U.S.: "Some of these pet projects,
they really don't make a whole lot of sense, and sometimes, these dollars,
they go to projects having little or nothing to do with the public good.
Things like fruit-fly research in Paris, France. I kid you not." Never mind
that fruit-fly research has brought us modern genetics and molecular
biology. The particular earmark in question was some $211,000 to a
laboratory in Montpelier, France, with long experience studying ways to
protect olive trees from fruit flies. And the little pests are threatening
California's olive crop-with a retail value estimated in 2005 at $85
million. So this money might be looked at by anybody with business savvy as
an investment. I kid you not. Oh, and strike three.

Science and technology are probably going to be the driving forces that lift
us out of the economic hole we're in. The Obama campaign had an entire
science advisory team that included two Nobel laureates, Harold Varmus and
Peter Agre. The McCain campaign did not have a dedicated science adviser.
Future Republican presidential candidates: come to the clean energy-powered,
low-wattage, high-lumen light. It beats cursing the darkness.

Note: This article was originally printed with the title, "Flies and
Projectors and Bears, Oh My".


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