---------[ Received Mail Content ]----------

 Subject : Re: [scifinoir2] Dark Knight's Two-Face May Not Be Dead

 Date : Mon, 12 Jan 2009 18:21:28 +0000

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 To :

Hmm, interesting idea for Catwoman. Wonder how Robin Givens would do in the 
role? She already has a kind of slinky, snarly nature to her that I could see 
working in a feline-themed character.

 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: Augustus Augustus 
> i would love the role 2 go to Zoe from the new Star Trek.� i think that she 
> would be great!
> --- On Mon, 1/12/09,  
> wrote:
> From: 
> Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Dark Knight's Two-Face May Not Be Dead
> To:,
> Cc: "Tracey de Morsella" , "'Chris de 
> Morsella'" , "'Cinque3000'" , 
> "'paul demorsella'" ,
> Date: Monday, January 12, 2009, 12:55 PM
> I always assumed he wasn't dead. The primary reason being that 
> Two-Face is one of the main villains in Batman's rogue's gallery. Killng him 
> off 
> would make no sense, even given the license movies take with comic 
> properties. 
> I also assume a third flick would have to deal with the public belief that 
> Batman committed the murders that Two-Face did. What better way to exonerate 
> him 
> than have Two-Face back to finally take the blame?
> Still thinking Ra's Al Ghul should return, with daughter Talia to be a love 
> interest.. The only other "villain" I can see being brought in in an organic 
> way 
> might be Catwoman. But I don't know if Nolan would it's too obvious. If 
> Selina 
> is in the movie, I just hope someone overexposed like Angelina Jolie doesn't 
> get 
> the role.
> ------------ -- Original message ------------ --------- -
> From: "Tracey de Morsella" 
> > By Josh 
> Josh%20Tyler>
> > Tyler: 2009-01-12 00:46:55 
> > 
> > 
> >  ShareThis 
> > 
> >     
> > 
> > After watching The Dark Knight one of the big questions on nearly everyone's
> > mind was whether or not Two-Face was really and truly dead. It was a few
> > weeks after the film's debut that Aaron Eckhart, the actor behind Harvey's
> > missing face answers the question definitively, telling us all that the
> > character was "dead as a doornail." Now though, with rumors indicating that
> > Chris Nolan has finally started work on the story for a sequel, Eckhart
> > seems to be backpedaling a little. 
> > 
> > MTV
> > 
> hints-a
> > t-possible-two- face-return/ > caught up with Eckhart at the Golden Globes,
> > where they asked that same old "will Harvey Dent" return question and to
> > everyone's surprise got a different response. Said Eckhart, ""I think Harvey
> > - if he's not dead - is in a serious coma." The window is now open! Ok it's
> > not open by much, but that certainly leaves him more wiggle room than "dead
> > as a doornail". 
> > 
> > It's probably too little too soon to start speculating that Nolan might be
> > working him into the sequel. Even if he is, it's unlikely that Aaron would
> > even know about it at this stage. Still, maybe there's a slim ray of hope
> > here. Movie characters have survived far worse falls than the one Two-Face
> > suffered in TDK and with Heath Ledger gone it makes a certain sort of sense
> > to bring Two-Face back. Originally the rumored plan was to have Joker return
> > for some small part in the second film, since that's no longer possible why
> > not use Harvey Dent as the connecting tissue between the two films?
> > 
> > http://www.cinemabl Dark-Knight- s-Two-Face- May-Not-Be- 
> Dead-11515.
> > html
> > 

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