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---------[ Received Mail Content ]----------

 Subject : Re: [scifinoir2] Digest Number 2567

 Date : Sun, 18 Jan 2009 13:53:00 -0500

 From : Nora <>

 To : "" <>

> 2. Well, There's Always Reruns of the Cartoon...
> Posted by: ""
> tsarbernard
> Date: Sun Jan 18, 2009 12:06 am ((PST))
> Indeed, this quote from a Brother about the whole affair is one of the best
> I've read: 
> "If they‚re supposed to be some generic everyrace, then hell, why not toss in
> some black actors, or Latinos? That makes about as much sense. Zuko‚s a bit of
> a thug; let‚s make him black. Hell, let‚s make the whole Fire Nation black;
> Hollywood loves to make us the bad guys."

Thanks, but I'm a Sister, not a Brother. =)

Nora (nojojojo on the Angry Black Woman and LiveJournal)

The gods, enslaved. A family with absolute power, absolutely corrupt. A
young woman whose rage can destroy the world.

Coming soon in THE HUNDRED THOUSAND KINGDOMS, first of the "Earth and Sky"
trilogy, available from Orbit Books in Fall 2009!

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