Are these the translations, or did every leader speak in English? This could
be a translation issue.
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On Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 1:36 AM, <> wrote:

> Quite moving to read this. Can you imagine being in a situation where
> you're getting greetings and messages from other world leaders? Comments
> range from vaguely well-intentioned-but-amusing (Germany's leader using the
> word "coloured"), to humbling (UN Sec-General saying the US has the
> responsibility to lead the peace negotiations in the Middle East), to
> encouraging (France's prez wanting to "change the world" with us, Spain's
> "We won't pass up this opportunity"), to sobering (Palestine saying we must
> fight for their freedoms).  Not sure how to classify Chavez's comment that
> it's still the North American Empire we're talking about...
> ***************************************************************
> As millions of people watch Barack Obama's swearing-in ceremony, statesmen
> from around the world have been giving their reaction to the historic
> inauguration. Here is a selection of their comments:
> Prime Minister Gordon Brown
> The whole world is watching the inauguration of President Obama, witnessing
> a new chapter in both American history and the world's history.
> He's not only the first black American president but he sets out with the
> determination to solve the world's problems.
> Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
> I sincerely hope that President Obama will make as a matter of priority
> these Middle Eastern policies. As a member of the Quartet, as the leader of
> the world, the United States has full responsibility to lead this peace
> process so that this two-state solution, Israel, Palestinians can live in
> peace and security side by side.
> President Nicolas Sarkozy
> We are eager for him to get to work so that with him we can change the
> world.
> Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov
> We are ready for this. Our president confirmed this in a telephone
> conversation with Barack Obama straight after he was elected. I think there
> will be additional telephone - and not only telephone - contacts between our
> leaders.
> Chancellor Angela Merkel
> I want to say that I believe today is a very special day not only for the
> United States of America but also a special day for billions of people all
> over the world.
> The fact that a coloured president is being inaugurated and the fact the we
> a looking at an intensive transatlantic co-operation is something that not
> only moves the heads and thoughts but also the hearts. And I want to wish
> the new American President Barack Obama all the best, much strength and
> health and God's blessing .
> And I want to say that Germany is prepared to liaise with him very
> intensely and very openly.
> Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero
> Obama gives us hope and his words put us on a better path for a smooth and
> fruitful relationship with the Spanish government. The arrival of Obama
> gives us an opportunity we won't pass up.
> Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi
> Many hopes and expectations have been piled on him, not just by the
> American people but also the rest of the world. The thing to do is to send
> him the most affectionate and cordial wishes so that he can fulfil these
> expectations.
> Pope Benedict XVI
> I pray that you will be confirmed in your resolve to promote understanding,
> co-operation and peace among the nations, so that all may share in the
> banquet of life which God wills to set for the whole human family.
> I offer cordial good wishes, together with the assurance of my prayers that
> Almighty God will grant you unfailing wisdom and strength in the exercise of
> your high responsibilities.
> Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki
> We prefer to wait and see what the practical policies of the American
> government will be.
> Prime Minister Ehud Olmert
> Obama has mobilised the greatest amount of good will and support in all
> walks of life. This mobilisation of good will is becoming his strength in
> its own right. And I think all of us expect to translate this occasion into
> a real opportunity to pacify, to meet, to have a dialogue and bring a
> solution of peace to all parties concerned.
> Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad
> We wish him well and we look forward to active engagement on the part of
> his administration, in co-operation with important members of the
> international community.
> Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum
> He came with a change and he needs to change the foreign policy of the
> United States towards honouring the freedom rights and democratic rights of
> nations, he must support the freedom of our Palestinian people and their
> rights and conventions.
> President Hugo Chavez
> Hopefully the arrival of a new president will mark a real change in
> relations between the United States and the countries of the Third World,
> one of respect for sovereignty and the freedom of the people. But nobody
> here should be under any illusions. This is the North American Empire we are
> talking about.
> Prime Minister Taro Aso
> Japan and the United States are allies who share universal values and
> strategic interests. I am convinced that Japan and the United States, both
> in a position to lead the world, can build a better future by working
> together to share knowledge, willingness, passion and strategy.
> With this belief, I wish to join hands with President Obama in further
> strengthening the Japan-US alliance and striving for peace and prosperity in
> the Asia-Pacific region and the world.
> King Bhumibol Adulyadej
> On the occasion of your assumption of the Office of the President of the
> United States of America, I am pleased to extend to your Excellency my
> sincere congratulations and best wishes for your success and happiness as
> well as for the greater progress and prosperity of the United States of
> America and her people.
> Prime Minister Kevin Rudd
> I look forward very much to working with President Obama, the next
> president of the United States. Because we have a huge challenge ahead and
> it begins by working together on the global financial crisis.
> President of the European Commission, Jose Manuel Barroso
> We are living through challenging times. And the challenges we face have no
> respect for national frontiers. What we need is new global governance and a
> new basis for prosperity. I sincerely believe that Europe and the United
> States must work together and with our partners around the world to devise
> and implement this new agenda for globalisation.
> ------------------------------------
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