is it me or was BSG from last night over the top! a 
good way that is.  alot of intrigue and a lot of killing.  i knew zarek was a 
snake, but the way he manipulated geata was classic!  hate so many had 2 die, 
but it was an hour of good fun.   still want 2 know what is up with starbuck.  
if saul's wife is the 5th cylon, then who was it in the viper when they got 2 
earth and what is starbuck now?  wish adama had killed zarek slowly.  very 
slowly.  made him beg.  it wold have been too good 4 him, but i would have 
enjoyed it.  this man just shot dead the quorum.  i kept looking at his facial 
expressions during the show and i could see that he was scared of adama and 
what might happen if he did not kill him quick. in all, a good ep 2 me.


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