I think I fried my brain yesterday engaging in a "Venture Bros"
marathon, yesterday.  (Truth is, my brain was already fried from a
hellacious week at work - I am still employed but I am currently
expected to do the work three people used to do in half the time while
my two direct supervisors are engaged in a locked cage match to see
who will keep their job and thereby win the right to continue
micro-managing me (!) - so I was in the proper mood to vegetate). I
had all 39 episodes of the Cartoon Network's "The Venture Bros" on my
DVR (a fact I didn't realize until AFTER I had deleted more than half
of them after viewing) and I powered through 27 of them.

I earlier stated on this list that watching "The Venture Bros" was
like watching "Jonny Quest" on acid and that is no understatement! 
Watching the episodes in the order they were recorded, I realized I
had watched Season Three first and then began watching the totally
excellent episodes from Season One (with Season Two still to go).  

My two new favorite episodes are Season One, episode 7, "Ice Station -
Impossible," a wicked deconstruction of both "The Incredibles" and the
"Fantastic Four" ouvre and Season One, episode 10, "Tag Sale - You're
It!" wherein Dr. Venture holds a yard sale to raise money and all his
super powered friends and enemies come to pick up high tech bargains
(and chaos and hilarity ensue when Dr. Venture's arch enemy, The
Monarch, creates a diversion so he can use the bathroom inside the
Venture compound).

Choice bits in "Impossible" included the fact that the Invisible Girl
disappearing act is limited to her skin (revealing all the meat and
muscle underneath), the Human Torch bursts into flames AND
excruciating pain every time he is exposed to oxygen - not to mention
 the hilariously cruel death of Race Bannon - said program frequently
cuts back to little children riding a dead Bannon down the street
(every time the wind catches and inflates his parachute) while rifling
his pockets for cool super secret gadgets.  

Let me give a special shout out to episode 4, "The Incredible Mr.
Brisby," a devilish take on Roy Disney and the whole (evil) Disney
Empire and his struggle with the dilettante "Orange County Liberation

I have twelve of season two to complete but, as I said at the onset,
my brain is currently deep fried.


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