U.S. Map of the Top UFO Hotspots and How to Report a Sighting

Where is UFO country? PM went to the Center for UFO Studies' database to
find out where the top counties for UFO spotting reside and how they
coincide with air traffic control boundaries. Here are the top regions for
UFO spots along with tips on how to report a sighting.

By Phil Patton, with additional reporting by Davin Coburn, Erin McCarthy,
Joe Pappalardo and Erik Sofge


Where is UFO country? To find out, PM consulted the Center for UFO Studies,
which maintains a database
of sightings reported from 1947 to 2005. Illinois-based CUFOS gathers data
from UFO reporting groups and public records, including Project Blue Book.
(If several people report the same sighting, CUFOS registers it as a single
event.) For a broad comparison, we ranked both metropolitan and more
sparsely settled counties. 


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Why did these 10 top the list? Perhaps because some are close to military
zones called Special Use Airspace. An uptick in sightings over Santa Rosa
County, Fla., could stem from the presence of an air wing that tests every
fighter, bomber, unmanned aerial vehicle and -weapon in the Air Force
inventory. Military refueling lanes crisscross the nation, and lights from
air tankers and warplanes flying at night in close formation could appear as
triangles of light from the ground. 

Psychology may also play a role. Westmoreland County, Pa. (pop. 362,326),
which records more sightings than the metro Houston area (pop. 3.9 million),
includes Kecksburg, the location of a reputed 1965 UFO crash. Residents
there may be more likely to report strange lights to a UFO group. 


What to do Before You Report a UFO

By Joe Pappalardo 

So you've just seen some eery lights in the sky, glowing orbs that moved in
strange ways. This is a UFO report waiting to happen. But before you go tell
all to the MUFON <http://www.mufon.com/>  it could help to check what's in
the sky in your area. Here is your 3-step checklist. 

1. Is it Venus?

First, you might want to check with your local astronomer to determine the
location of Venus. The uncanny brilliance of the planet has inspired many
UFO reports, including one made by President Jimmy Carter. 

The remainder of February is a great time to watch for Venus because it will
be at its brightest in the evening twilight sky. "In the weeks ahead, Venus
will be coming closer still to Earth," the dedicated skywatchers at
www.earthsky.org wrote yesterday. "But it will be showing us less and less
of its lighted hemisphere as it prepares to pass between us and the sun. So
now is the time of maximum brilliance." 

Earthsky.org <http://www.earthsky.org/>  and Space.com
<http://www.space.com/nightsky/>  have updates on prominent celestial
happenings that might explain your UFO. If you feel like spending money,
like Starry Night are available for download. 

2. Is it a military exercise?

There's no way to tell when and where the military is conducting flights,
right? Wrong. 

The FAA needs to tell pilots when military airspace is being used to keep
collisions from happening. This website <http://sua.faa.gov/sua/Welcome.do>
tracks which sections of "special use airspace" will be used for military
flights. This includes military operations areas and aerial refueling
Missions. For a list of airbases, airports and special use airspace, also
see seeandavoid.org <http://www.popularmechanics.com/www.seeandavoid.org/> ,
a website established by the Defense Safety Oversight Council to deter
midair collisions. 

3. Is it an Earthling's spaceship?

Satellites and spacecraft can be tracked via NASA's
<http://spaceflight.nasa.gov/realdata/sightings/>  website. They use data
from flight centers to track satellites and spacecraft. There is a
text-based version and an 300 K appl



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