by Eugene Novikov <>  Feb
26th 2009 // 9:03AM

I don't want to believe; that's part of it. But really:
<> Total Recall? Weird
and scary and totally singular Total Recall? The one with the people being
turned into mutants by cosmic rays and the villain who turns Martians into
slaves by controlling the air supply? The one where that dude takes off his
glove to reveal that holy crap, he's a mutant too? And the three boobs?
Remember the three boobs?

Okay, I'm obviously working out some issues here, the main one being that I
saw Total Recall as a very young boy and it scared and confused the
ever-loving bejeezus out of me (in the best possible way, natch). But
really, there's no way to remake Verhoeven's bizarro masterpiece, as
<> I Am Legend
(and  <> Made of
Honor!) producer Neal H. Moritz claims
7550537a3dcb5babb90fda>  he's going to do. They might re-adapt the Philip K.
Dick story, "We Can Remember It for You Wholesale," but that's a different
matter. Dick adaptations are a dime a dozen. So, Mr. Moritz, I don't believe
you. Shouldn't you be busy getting The Green Hornet off the ground, anyway?
Go wrangle
>  Michel Gondry.

I note, also, that as best I can tell no Arnold Schwarzenegger movie has
ever been remade. This may be because people have been physically afraid of
him, in which case his advancing age, along with a distinguished civil
service career that would make it unseemly for him to murder five men with
his bare hands (and surely the man would never stoop to a contract job), may
increase the odds of a Total Recall redo. Another possibility involves a
combination of two factors: a) Arnold Schwarzenegger movies are always and
forever Arnold Schwarzenegger movies, and b) the notion of an Arnold
Schwarzenegger movie with some girly man who is not Arnold Schwarzenegger in
the Arnold Schwarzenegger role is patently absurd. People would just laugh.
Right? That's why this
never went anywhere two years ago, right?

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