Another glaring miss on their parts. Danged twenty-somethings and their useless 

---------[ Received Mail Content ]----------

 Subject : Re: [RE][scifinoir2] Nine Hot Human/Alien Couples - including 
Octavia Butler Couple

 Date : Sat, 7 Mar 2009 23:57:15 +0000 (UTC)

 From : Keith Johnson <>

 To :

and where are Mork and Mindy for worst couple? 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Martin Baxter"  
Sent: Saturday, March 7, 2009 3:41:01 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: [RE][scifinoir2] Nine Hot Human/Alien Couples - including Octavia 
Butler Couple 

        Keith... they left out Delenn and John Sheridan... 

Martin (knows when to fight the good fight and when to unleash the WMD) 

---------[ Received Mail Content ]---------- 
Subject : [scifinoir2] Nine Hot Human/Alien Couples - including Octavia Butler 
Date : Sat, 7 Mar 2009 09:30:07 -0800 
>From : "Tracey de Morsella"  
To :  


Hot Human/Alien Couples (And One That's Gross) 

By Annalee Newitz , 4:05 
on Thu Mar 5 2009, 18,789 views don't know 
about you, but I got into scifi as a young teen because I was looking for 
sex. You know, hot human-on-alien action. And I've got some of that for you 
today. (NSFW) 

Of course there are about a zillion human/alien pairings in scifi, going all 
the way back to John Carter's dalliance with that red hot princess from 
Mars. But some couples stand out (like Hulk and Caiera in the recent Planet 
Hulk series) and some are forgettable (like Karen Allen and the glowy Jeff 
Bridges alien in Starman, which is sadly not based on the comic book of the 
same name). While of course we prefer our human/alien pairings to involve 
lots of sex, some of the hottest human/alien couples are purely romantic. 
Their liaisons lead to marriage or children, which doesn't necessarily make 
them less scrumptious than couples whose trysts are basically excuses for a 
lot of tentacles and crazy lubrication scenes. 

So without further ado, here are nine of the hottest human/alien couples we 
could think of, and one couple whose horribleness will remind you why some 
intergalactic smoochfests should never be blessed by starship captains. 

Margaret and the invisible aliens who kill her lovers in Liquid Sky 

Let's start in the most obvious place, shall we? Liquid Sky is a completely 
insane movie from the 1980s, about a bunch of punk/new wave models who are 
addicted to coke, totally genderfucked, wear neon-streaked clothes, and have 
a lot of gaybiwhatevs sex. Margaret is one such model, pictured fetchingly 
above, whose main goal in life is to destroy her rival male model (played by 
the same actress who plays Margeret) and to have a ton of meaningless sex 
with her freaky girlfriend and a bunch of other cute clubsters. You're 
whirled in and out of the new wave dreamscape until suddenly a floating pie 
pan enters the picture, and starts zapping Margaret's lovers to death at the 
moment they orgasm. At first, Margaret thinks her pussy has the power to 
kill, and she manages to pick off several of her lovers before targeting her 
frenemies. But at last she realizes that some aliens are behind the whole 
thing, and she decides that these aliens are the only creatures who truly 
care about her. I won't spoil the ending for you, but suffice to say that an 
insane-looking punk wedding dress is involved. 

Thomas Newton and Mary-Lou from The 
Man Who 
Fell to Earth 
In Nicholas Roeg's movie version of the (very different) Walter Tevis novel, 
David Bowie plays Thomas Newton, a sexy, geeky, genderfucky 1970s alien 
(yes, the 70s and 80s were a time of androgynous aliens, and hence an 
awesome time for love). Trying to save his home planet from a terrible 
drought, Thomas comes to Earth, a planet he's heard is entirely covered in 
water. Unfortunately his ship crashes, and he's stuck on our watery ball 
until he can raise enough money from various alien inventions to build 
another ship and return home. As he gets unbelievably rich from things like 
a tiny silver ball that plays music, Thomas slides into human decadence. A 
young woman named Mary-Lou introduces him to sex and booze, and pretty soon 
he's revealing his alien side to her with ass-biting and (later) showing her 
his true (lube-covered) alien form. There is even a lubey alien/human sex 
scene the likes of which you'll never see anywhere else. Plus, hot young 
Bowie in full alien mode! On the hotness scale, this couple is in the danger 
zone. and 
Mary from Third Rock from the Sun 
Human/alien love went all domestic in the 1990s with sitcom Third Rock from 
the Sun, where a group of aliens are sent to Earth to study the natives 
while posing (poorly) as some kind of nuclear family. Dick (John Lithgow), 
the captain of the team, becomes the family father-figure, taking a job as a 
physics professor and wooing his office-mate Mary, played with goofy charm 
by Saturday Night Live alum Jane Curtin. In fact, "goofy charm" is what made 
this sitcom so terrific, and made the middle-aged romance between Dick and 
Mary so fun to watch. 

Lilith and Nikanj in Lilith's 
Octavia Butler has written some of the smartest and sexiest science fiction 
novels you'll ever read. Possibly the most unsettlingly romantic of her 
works is the Lilith's Brood Trilogy, about a human woman named Lilith who 
"marries" into a family of alien Oankali who have kidnapped what remains of 
the human race after we've annihilated ourselves with nukes. Though she 
genuinely comes to love her new alien family, Lilith's relationship with 
them is complicated because she realizes she has little choice but to breed 
with them - she is essentially their captive, and moreover their mating 
ritual involves intense chemical bonding that she can't resist. The Oankali 
have three genders, and the ooloi gender is a creature who can insert 
chemicals into its husband and wife via two specialized tentacles (yes! 
tentacles!). Lilith and a human man wind up in a relationship with an ooloi 
named Nikanj. Nikanj's tentacles release chemicals that cause intense 
pleasure and feelings of bonding. To create children, the ooloi mixes 
genetic material from itself, the male and female, and creates a child that 
combines all their traits. and 
Mac from Earth Girls are Easy 
A less complicated coupling occurs in 1980s comedy Earth Girls Are Easy, 
where the mega-cute Valerie (Geena Davis) falls for a furry blue alien named 
Mac who turns out to look like a smokin' hot Jeff Goldblum after he's 
depilated. Joining them in this silly romp, filled with song and dance 
scenes, are Jim Carey, Julie Brown and Damon Wayans. Valerie's doctor 
boyfriend has been cheating on her, but she's such a nice girl that she 
still takes her time getting busy with Mac out of respect for ex-doughboy. 
But when they finally do start making out, you'll be glad she dumped her doc 
for an alien. and 
Caiera from Planet Hulk 
It's hard for Hulk to find a woman who can handle his green side, but when 
he smash-landed on alien world Sakaar he met his match. 2006 series Planet 
Hulk, which led into crossover extravaganza World War Hulk, is one of the 
best Hulk plot arcs in recent memory. Hulk finds himself on a world so 
savage that his monstery side makes him a hero. He finds true friends among 
the giant insects and monsters of Sakaar, who are fighting to liberate 
themselves from the brutal Red King. Caiera is one of the Red King's slaves 
who fights in his army. Though at first she and Hulk fight - and what a 
fight it is! - eventually she switches to the side of Hulk and his 
liberators. They defeat the Red King together, get married, and become king 
and queen of Sakaar. Of course, Hulk can't stay happy, though . . . the 
spaceship he came in explodes, killing the whole planet, and he goes back to 
Earth ready to SMASH the Illuminati who made the ship. And thus World War 
Hulk began, out of Hulk's amazing romance with a kickass lady from another 

Max and Liz from Roswell 
Late-1990s TV series Roswell was the perfect combination of romantic teen 
angst and alien weirdness. Imagine Escape to Witch Mountain, but with high 
school kids instead of elementary school ones. Max and his three siblings 
are human-alien hybrids, clones of great leaders from their home world who 
survived the Roswell crash back in the 1950s. Now they're trying to figure 
out their powers, and get back home to save their people. But how can they 
do it when there's, like, homework? And cute girls and stuff? Not only did 
Katherine Heigl get her start in this show, but it clearly inspired Twilight 
with its Max-loves-Liz subplot. Liz is a human girl, and therefore (sorta) 
forbidden to Max, but he falls for her anyway - first he revives her from 
the dead after she's shot, then they go on the run together, and eventually 
he turns a rock into a diamond and proposes to her. Plus, they are cute as 
little buttons. 

Just check out the fanvid schmoopiness that Roswell inspired! 

Willis and Jeriba from Enemy Mine 
A human named Willis (Dennis Quaid) crash lands on a harsh, remote world 
along with an alien named Jeriba (Louis Gosset, Jr.). Unfortunately their 
peoples are at war with each other, and they don't speak each other's 
languages. But they are stuck on the forbidding rock for years, exposed to 
terrifying creatures and even more terrifying weather, so they strike up a 
friendship that grows into something much deeper. They are clearly in love, 
though in a chaste way - Jeriba's people have no gender, and create babies 
via some kind of budding process. Eventually Jeriba has a baby, but dies in 
the process, leaving Willis to raise "their" baby on his own. Though cheesy 
in some ways, this movie is still intensely moving, as well as a pretty 
gutsy exploration of what human/alien love might really be like. 
Who and [Insert Your Favorite Companions Here] from Doctor Who 
The beauty thing about Doctor Who is that the Doctor has so many different 
companions that you can pretty much project any kind of sexual orientation 
onto him that you want. I prefer to think of the Doctor as bisexual and 
polyamorous, which is why this picture of him with companions Martha and 
Captain Jack makes my pervvy little heart go pitter-pat. But if you prefer 
things all monogamous and hetero, you can focus on the Doctor and Rose. Or 
you can remove humans from the equation and think about the Doctor with the 
Master when he was played by John Simm (OMG). Though the Doctor never 
technically gets romantically involved with any of his companions, he does 
get emotionally entangled with almost all of them. For a Timelord who never 
really has any sex (that we see), the Doctor has got to be the sexiest alien 
in any space-time continuum. 

Special Turn-Off Section: Ickiest Human/Alien Couple 
Couple: Troi and Riker from Star Trek: TNG 
Feeling like you need a cold shower after all that action? Well allow me to 
give you the closest thing there is to a freezing shower to the libido: The 
coupling of Betazoid Deanna Troi and human William Riker in Star Trek: The 
Next Generation. Seriously, is there anything more horrendous and 
woody-weakening than this couple? What happened to Troi and Worf, a couple 
worth fighting for? Or Riker and the Trill? Seriously, I had to scrub my 
eyes with sandpaper after Troi and Riker had their naked wedding in that 
Star Trek movie whose memory I am trying to wipe out. What the hell, people? 
Some weddings should never happen. 

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