with u on that one Martin.


--- On Tue, 3/24/09, Justin Mohareb <justinmoha...@gmail.com> wrote:

From: Justin Mohareb <justinmoha...@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [RE][scifinoir2] Michelle Obama Is a Bitch & She Looks Like James 
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Date: Tuesday, March 24, 2009, 12:36 PM

            Why bother?  They're probably just looking for the attention.


On 24-Mar-09, at 11:59 AM, "Martin Baxter" <truthseeker013@ lycos.com>  


> What say we pay this bastich a cyber-visit?






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> Subject : [scifinoir2] Michelle Obama Is a Bitch &amp; She Looks  

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> Date : Tue, 24 Mar 2009 07:28:42 -0700 (PDT)


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> Michelle Obama Is a Bitch &amp; She Looks Like James Brown

> Mar 24, '09 9:53 AM

> for everyone



> Yeah I know, disturbing title right? Well, those are not my  

> thoughts. Actually its a summation of how right wing writer Burt  

> Prelutsky over at TOWNHALL.COM referenced her in his article Let Us  

> Not Praise Famous Men - Or Women. Here's the excerpt of what he said  

> that is pertinent to this discussion:




> "Take Michelle Obama…please. Every time I turn around, there she is  

> on a magazine cover. Now, normally, like the Mafia, I lay off the sp 

> ouses, but inasmuch as this particular spouse attended the same raci 

> st church as her hubby for 20 years, I’ll make an exception in her c 

> ase. After all, in spite of the fact that affirmative action got her 

>  an Ivy League degree and a $7,000-a-week salary and, moreover, has  

> sent billions of dollars for no particularly good reason to Africa,  

> she insists this is a mean country. The burning question in my circl 

> e is: if the First Family gets a female dog, will she be the First B 

> itch or will she have to settle for second place?" - Burt Prelutsky




> Now you guys know how edgy I can be, and by now you know I have a  

> sense of humor. You know this, right? Yes, I love a good laugh and I  

> painstakingly do my best to always provide you folks with a good  

> laugh every now and then. Well, to me, this shit above isn't funny,  

> and neither is this next jab taken by the same writer in the same  

> article:




> "Naturally, the left-wing media is now trying to convince us that  

> this James Brown-look-alike has all the allure, glamour and fashion  

> sense of Jackie Kennedy." - Burt Prelutsky




> Now, if this was just some yahoo talking out the side of his ass, I  

> wouldn't even care. But the fact that these words were written on a  

> website that is owned by a Christian Radio Network which leans  

> heavily to the right with their politics is cause for concern. I  

> mean, when did Christians become racist? What ever happened to  

> "Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world, red  

> and yellow BLACK and white, they are precious in his sight...", aww  

> hell you know the rest. Yeah whatever happened to that?



> Oh lemme guess, Jesus loves everybody in the world unless you happen  

> to be Black and living in the White House and leader of the free  

> world, right? So like, this Jesus guy and his daddy pretty much  

> sanctioned the invasion of Iraq by appearing in a dream to George  

> Bush, causing death and destruction, but yet he doesn't like  

> Michelle Obama's arms? Wow, what a critic this Jesus guy and his  

> followers are. I say critic because using the word hypocritical  

> would be so wrong of a description.



> Oh by the way, here's one last shot from another article from the  

> same Jesus loving writer on the same Jesus loving website:



> "If we were a racist society, Oprah Winfrey, your fairy godmother,  

> certainly wouldn't be a billionaire; she'd be fetching someone's  

> mint julep. And Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice wouldn't grow up  

> to be secretaries of state; they'd be sweeping out the stables. And  

> Will Smith and Denzel Washington wouldn't be movie stars; they'd be  

> in the fields picking cotton." - Burt Prelutsky




> Damn, I'm so glad they cleared that all up because I was just about  

> to call the author who made the Michelle Obama/James Brown  

> connection racist. Oh well, I guess its true that all Black people  

> look alike. Yup, we sure do and that has nothing to do with being  

> racist. Hell, if this country were racist, Will Smith would be still  

> picking cotton. It would appear that the Jesus loving website has  

> since retracted the "she's a bitch" line because it's no longer in  

> the piece. I guess this was due in part by the vigilance of Chris  

> Kelly, over at Huffington Post for his expose.



> God Bless America!


> (sorry Jeremiah Wright)
















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