No, I got rid of HBO long ago... 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mr. Worf" <> 
Sent: Thursday, June 4, 2009 12:39:37 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Del Toro's The Strain Is An Antidote To Fey Vampires 

Ever see Trueblood? They have a big mixture of vampires from east German hunks 
to Billybob hick types. 

On Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 9:00 PM, Keith Johnson < > 

Well, you know I've been complaining for a while about all the hunky, cool, 
angst-filled vamps that populate the culture nowadays. I think the Nosferatu 
type vamp--a creature that *looks* undead--needs to make a stronger return. So 
I'm all for this... 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tracey de Morsella" < > 
Sent: Tuesday, June 2, 2009 7:09:38 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: [scifinoir2] Del Toro's The Strain Is An Antidote To Fey Vampires 

Pan's Labyrinth director Guillermo Del Toro and novelist Chuck Hogan have 
collaborated to write The Strain , the first book in a planned vampire trilogy. 
And the good news is, this new spin on vampires comes with a noticeable creep 
factor, despite some silliness. Spoilers below. 

This book began life as a TV series pitch to FOX, a few years back. Del Toro 
scoffs at the romanticized image of the vampire that infests modern media, and 
wants a return to the dark folkloric roots of the creatures. He isn't alone: 
many of us are sick of these pale and pretty poseurs, brooding about their 
cursed immortality and chatting up jailbait by the Orange Julius. Oh sure, they 
can go all scary cat-face, just before they fight cheerleaders, but usually 
they look like they're trying to get a record deal. Honestly, what happened to 
the Horror? Someone who considers you a source of protein is not a good role 

It's common to lay the blame for all this at the feet of Anne Rice, but it goes 
back further than that. Bela Lugosi's dapper aristocrat, dressed for a night at 
the opera, lunges to mind. The original Dracula is responsible for much of the 
bodice-ripping and doomed-love themes that still flit around the genre. The 
appearance and mannerisms of Count Dracula were inspired more by Bram Stoker's 
relationship with the stately and imposing actor Henry Irving than any actual 
Eastern European folklore. 

Del Toro and Hogan pay tribute to Stoker's classic, while presenting a more 
primal depiction of the undead as figures of repugnance and terror. At the same 
time they borrow heavily from Richard Matheson. His excellent I Am Legend was 
the perhaps the modern novel first to deal with vampirisim scientifically, as a 
disease. It was made into an enjoyable film in 1964. While not exactly 
groundbreaking, The Strain combines the ancient stories that scared the 
kreplach out of our peasant ancestors, with our modern and wholly rational 
panic about plagues. The attempt is somewhat effective, although it falls short 
of the vampiric reinvigoration del Toro and Hogan seem to desire. 

It begins on the 24th of September, 2010. Echoing the arrival of the Demeter in 
Dracula , a Regis Air 777 lands at JFK with no lights, and sits on the tarmac 
with all the window shades drawn. There is no communication from the airliner, 
not even a single cellphone call from the passengers. Everyone at the scene 
feels an ominous dread. When local and Federal authorities get inside the 
plane, all 210 people on board appear dead. Fearing the worse, Dr. Ephriam 
Goodweather of the CDC is summoned. Ephraim is a recovering alcoholic and is 
recently divorced. He'd much rather be spending a weekend with his beloved son 
but duty calls. At the site he and fellow epidemiologist Nora — who is totally 
hot — suit up and investigate the scene. 

There is no sign of panic, violence, or trauma on the plane. Only four people 
are found alive, but unconscious. When they come to, they have no recollection 
of anything odd, and complain about sore throats. But since they seem fine, 
they're allowed to go home. Only the fourth survivor, flight crew member 
Captain Redfern (like Renfield, get it?), agrees to stick around the hospital 
to help Ephraim with his inquiries. The deceased are sent to morgues in four of 
the City's five boroughs and examined for peculiarities. None of the bodies 
shows any sign of rigor mortis or decomposition. There is still a slight but 
measurable core temperature, and everyone has a hairline laceration, mostly on 
the neck. All their blood has been replaced by a turgid white ichor. There are 
also significant ongoing changes to the internal organs, and a strange growth 
on the vestibular folds above the larynx. 

"Well, good work everybody, let's call it a night and get a fresh start 
tomorrow. No, I don't think we need to take any extra precautions. The night 
shift will give us a call if anything odd happens. 'Bye!" 

Meanwhile back at the plane, three pieces of undocumented luggage have been 
found in the cargo hold. There's a kayak, a set of golf clubs, and a huge, long 
black wooden box covered with grotesque carvings exuding a miasma of menace. 
The bomb squad finds only a layer of rich soil inside, so they chuck it in an 
outbuilding with no security and only one camera. What the hell, really? Del 
Toro has stated he wanted the procedural feel of shows like CSI for this story. 
Given that series' regard for protocol and scientific accuracy, I'd have to say 
he got it 100%. Sure, this is a world where nobody believes in vampires but 
wouldn't extraordinary circumstances call for, oh I don't know, extraordinary 
measures? I think the golf clubs are sent to Broom Lake for further study. 

The next day there is a total eclipse of the sun over New York City ( look it 
up – no there isn't.). During the eclipse, or occultation as the authors 
prefer, the big box of dirt disappears mysteriously from the airport. An old 
man shows up at the morgue, annoying everybody by insisting that the bodies be 
destroyed. The cops arrest him, but not before he totally creeps Ephraim out 
with his ranting about UV light and ancient evil, blah, blah, blah. The four 
survivors are acting oddly, and their throats are feeling worse. One of them, a 
Marylin Manson-style rockstar, is getting his freak on with some groupies and 
gets really, really freaky. Another man is at his suburban home with his family 
and dogs when... well, best Toolshed of Horror since Shaun of the Dead . Before 
the night is out, all the corpses from the 777 are missing but the authorities 
insist everything is just fine. Ephraim, the brilliant doctor, is beginning to 
suspect otherwise. 

>From fairly early on, we learn all this is part of a Nefarious Plan by the 
>creaky, old billionaire, Palmer Eldritch who wants to live forever. Uh, guys — 
>Philip K. Dick called, he wants his villain back. Very little of the Plan is 
>revealed. I suppose it will all make sense in the subsequent volumes, that's 
>suspense, right? So far it shows all the logic and business acumen I've come 
>to expect from South Park's Underwear Gnomes. Mostly Eldritch shows up once in 
>a while tenting his hands and softly saying, "Excellent!" 

The plot so far is rather silly, but I really liked the rebooted old-school 
vampires. They resemble Max Schreck from Nosferatu a great deal, as well as the 
Reapers from del Toro's Blade II . The change is brought upon by a crazy-ass 
virus using tiny parasitic worms as a vector. All the organs are replaced with 
new structures, cancerous mockeries of human anatomy, the genitalia wither and 
hair falls out in clumps. Grey mottled flesh writhes constantly as the worms 
take residence in the circulatory system. Preternaturally fast and strong with 
a predator's heightened senses and always hungry. 

After most of these people's personality has been burned away, all that remains 
is a compulsion to return home to be with their Dear Ones. In all the gruesome 
descriptions of the attacks and feeding is the sense of horrific violation and 
betrayal. Your friends and family are part of a new family and want you to join 
them. Give Momma a kiss. 

And what a kiss. No retractable canines needed here. Vampire 2.0 comes with a 
fabulous new nutritional input system you'll just flip for. The jaw unhinges 
like a PEZ dispenser , but instead of candy, a stinger-tipped tendril whips out 
a meter or two, piercing a major artery. Paralytic venom and virus go in, red, 
red blood is pumped out. As a nice added detail, they defecate while feeding, a 
thin transparent slime that reeks of burnt ammonia. Edward never does that. 
Soon (how long is not quite clear) each victim turns ready to infect more 
people, adding to the hive of bloodsuckers. The only reason vampires never took 
over the planet before is because of some Ancient Pact by six Master vampires. 
Now a seventh rogue Master has made a deal with Palmer Eldritch, and the 
infection spreads geometrically across New York City. 

Yeah, all kinds of furious handwaving here. 

Fortunately we have some fearless vampire hunters on the case. Ephraim and his 
trusty sidekick Nora hook up with that ranting old guy from the morgue. Abraham 
Setrakian has been hunting the revenant strigoi since he first encountered one 
at the infamous Treblinka II concentration camp. All his life, eccentric 
University professor has been doing the Van Helsing thing, tracking and killing 
vampires all over the globe. Now he runs a pawnshop in Spanish Harlem. This 
would seem an anti-climax, but it has proven to be an excellent way to amass a 
stockpile of weapons and other items of dubious provenance. Setrakian gives Eph 
and Nora a crash course in vampire-killing. Crosses and holy water are useless, 
these are strictly secular suckers. Sunlight works best, if you can pull them 
from their nests, a high-powered UVC lamp will cook them nicely. Silver, not 
wood, does a lot of damage and decapitation is always a good idea. 

The old frail professor is still a major badass head-cutter and Eph is a quick 
study with a sword. Nora can wield the weaponized nail gun with the best of 
them, but she's there mostly to look totally hot and scream at appropriate 
moments. The new team gets a big boost when Vasily Fet joins the cause. Vasily 
is New York's finest Pest Control Officer, an expert in rats and their 
underground world. Swings a mean length of rebar too. Also look out for Gus 
Elizade, an eighteen year old hood whose mean streets just got a whole lot 
meaner. He seems fated to fight vamps too, but his future looks doubtful. 

The Strain is a breakneck thrill ride chronicling only the first four days of 
the vampire plague that may destroy civilization. The cinematic quality really 
comes though, making the book feel more like a action blockbuster than a 
thought-provoking horror novel. The publisher is hyping the heck out of this 
book, and it will sell like a Dan Brown of the Undead. It has some dopey parts, 
but is also pretty entertaining and scary. This would be an excellent vacation 
read, although I would not recommend reading the first fifty pages on an 
airplane if you are a nervous flier. Save it for the beach soaking up the UV 

You can purchase The Strain now from Amazon , 
or support your local independent bookseller . 

There is also a Spanish-language version , Nocturna , in trade paperback. 

Commenter Grey_Area is known to all the strigoi as Christopher Hsiang. He 
regularly enjoys drinking los vampiros in his neighborhood . ¡Muy sabroso!

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