Cool science stuff.

* Study turns pigeons into "art critics":
A Japanese researcher is reporting that he has
trained birds to tell apart "good" and "bad"
children's paintings.


* Giant black holes found to be even heavier than 
New findings may affect the way astronomers theorize
about galactic evolution.


* "Guilty look" in dogs mostly owners' fantasy, 
scientists say:
People may see "guilt" in a dog's body language when
they think the dog did something wrong - even if it didn't.


* Researchers find "a touch of glass" in metal:
Metals and ceramics have more in common with glass
than has been previously recognized, a new study


* Lion tamers step aside: beasts could be tamed 
through genes
Recent research raises the prospect that humans
could tame "untameable" species in new ways.


* Brain energy use proposed as key to under-
standing consciousness:
Some researchers are proposing a new approach
to understanding a mysterious state of being.


* Birds didn't come from dinosaurs, study 
suggests :
New findings about bird breathing abilities
challenge entrenched ideas, some scientists



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