
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "ravenadal" <ravena...@yahoo.com> 
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Sunday, June 28, 2009 2:12:22 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: Best Red Shirt Death EVER! 

No mas! No mas! 

--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com , Keith Johnson <keithbjohn...@...> wrote: 
> Thanks for the big up's (back at ya), but that ain't a "red shirt". Red 
> shirts were always associated with Security. Name one memorable death where 
> you said "Uh-oh, red shirt guy's gonna buy it" ,and the guy was from 
> Engineering? None. Off the top of my head (all from the OS): 
> On the non-Security side: 
> The young lady crushed in powdered form in "By Any Other Name" - a Yeoman 
> (Bridge crew?) 
> The dude killed when he caught a Troyan male monkeying around with the ship's 
> engines - Engineering 
> The guy vaporized when stepping into an energy tap beam generated by M5 - 
> Engineering 
> The guy who died screaming when the lady touched him in "That Which Survives" 
> - Engineering 
> The guy strangled by a cable courtesy of Gary Mitchell's TK in "Where No Man 
> Has Gone Before" - Bridge crew 
> The dude who died when inhaling phaser coolant in "Balance of Terror" - 
> Phaser crew (is that Weapons/Security/Engineering?) 
> ...and on the Security side: 
> The dude that the giant android Ruk throw off a ledge in "What Are Little 
> Girls Made of?" - Security 
> The guy killed by a killer flower's thorns in "The Apple" - Security 
> The guy killed when he stepped on an exploding rock in "The Apple" - Security 
> The guy killed when incinerated by a bolt of lightning in "The Apple" - 
> Security 
> The guy vaporized by disruptor fire in "Arena" - Security 
> Another guy killed (off camera) by the Gorn in "Arena" - Security 
> The bloke killed by a spear to the gut in "Galileo Seven" - Security 
> The guy killed when one of the giant cavemen pummels him in "Galileo Seven" - 
> Security 
> The over eager young guy killed by a sharp throwing weapon in "Friday's 
> Child" - Security 
> The young guy who died by accelerated aging after skin damage in "Wink of an 
> Eye" - Security 
> The poor slob disintegrated by Captain Tracy in "The Omega Glory" - Security 
> The two (!) jokers zapped into oblivion at the same time in "The Ultimate 
> Computer" - Security 
> The man who fell over dead, and then a voice came from his dead body in 
> "Catspaw" - Security 
> One nameless Red Shirt sizzled like a steak by the Horta in "Devil in the 
> Dark" - Security 
> Two dudes beamed into empty space in "And the Children Shall Lead" - Security 
> The (three?) men drained of their blood by the killer cloud in "Obsession" - 
> Security 
> Like I said, "Red shirt" means Security. Another little trivial detail missed 
> by the writers. 
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "ravenadal" <ravena...@...> 
> To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 
> Sent: Sunday, June 28, 2009 10:07:18 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
> Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: Best Red Shirt Death EVER! 
> Keith, I luv ya like a scifinoir brutha but come on! Red shirt + death = BEST 
> ~rave! 
> --- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com , Keith Johnson <KeithBJohnson@> wrote: 
> > 
> > 
> > Technically speaking, is it a true red-shirt death, as Olsen was an 
> > Engineering crewman, not from Security--the source of the vast majority of 
> > such deaths in the OS? Indeed, the only other Engineering red shirt death I 
> > can recall offhand was the dude who was vaporized when he inadvertently was 
> > in the wrong place when the computer M5 zapped him with a new energy tap. 
> > So I wouldn't really call this a "red shirt death". 
> > 
> > Another thing I can complain about in the changed Trek reality that is this 
> > movie! :) 
> > 
> > 
> > ----- Original Message ----- 
> > From: "Tracey de Morsella" <tdlists@> 
> > To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 
> > Sent: Sunday, May 17, 2009 2:17:10 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
> > Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Best Red Shirt Death EVER! 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > It was wild. My husband and I did the same thing - great minds. Great 
> > tribute death to all red shirts. I guess if had a brief moment of being the 
> > "plucky comic relief" - any Galaxy Quest Fans here? I hope the give us a 
> > great one in the sequel 
> > 
> > I too really liked the Spock Uhuru connection. In my view, it was a stroke 
> > of genius. 
> > 
> > -----Original Message----- 
> > From: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com [mailto: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com ] On 
> > Behalf Of ravenadal 
> > Sent: Sunday, May 17, 2009 7:55 AM 
> > To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 
> > Subject: [scifinoir2] Best Red Shirt Death EVER! 
> > 
> > I waited until my 20 year-old son returned home from college to see the new 
> > Star Trek movie with him this weekend. Apparently, the movie is still going 
> > strong, at least at the upscale IPIC theater where we saw it in adjacent 
> > reclining Barcaloungers. We were unable to get adjacent seats at either of 
> > the first two showings we attempted to buy tickets for and had to opt for a 
> > viewing three hours later. We had a ball watching it, then had big fun 
> > picking it apart afterwards. We both chuckled when upon meeting Spock Dr. 
> > McCoy commented, "I like him!" And we both exclaimed "red suit!" when Kirk 
> > and Sulu entered the exit pod enroute to launching down to disable the 
> > Romulan drill. And I laughed out loud at the best red shirt death EVER! WE 
> > looked at each other and shared smiles at several of the affectionate 
> > homages Abrams made to the Star Trek canon. Sops to the faithful? Perhaps, 
> > but I thought they showed the proper amount of respect to the franchise. In 
> > fact, much of wha 
> > t made the movie enjoyable was the wealth of Star Trek knowledge we brought 
> > with us. I was very impressed that Abrams was able to take something so 
> > shopworn and make it into something so shiny and new. 
> > 
> > As someone who despises dogma, I am highly amused by the Trek faithful who 
> > are outraged by Abram's "sacrilege." I direct all of you to Kevin Smith's 
> > movie "Dogma." If Smith could do this this Catholicism, Abrams can do this 
> > to Star Trek. 
> > 
> > To me, the Kirk Conundrum - how does this brash whippersnapper get to helm 
> > the flagship of the Federation is no more perplexing or illogical to me 
> > than 
> > the 13 year-old Kirk drag racing a vintage cherry red Corvette or female 
> > crew members being dressed like stewardesses from the 1960's ("Fly Me!"). 
> > What the Star Trek movies and subsequent series did was clean up the 
> > Crayola-colored, hormone-fueled juvenilia of the Original Series. And 
> > Abrams, bless his heart, has put it all back! 
> > 
> > Regarding the surprising, unexpected and totally logical hook-up between 
> > Spock and Uhura: As Spock's father divulges, he married Spock's mother 
> > because "he loved her," and if it is possible for a full-blooded Vulcan to 
> > love an Earthling, wouldn't it follow that Spock would be likewise 
> > influenced? First enraptured by his intended's intellect, then her 
> > conviction and firm spine and only then by how fetching she looks in a 
> > mini-skirt. I loved the way the dots were connected in this movie - where 
> > future developments were presaged by prior events already revealed. 
> > 
> > ~rave! 
> > 
> > http://twitter.com/ravenadal 
> > http://blackplush.blogspot.com 
> > 
> > 
> > ------------------------------------ 
> > 
> > Post your SciFiNoir Profile at 
> > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/scifinoir2/app/peoplemap2/entry/add?fmvn=mapYa
> >  
> > hoo! Groups Links 
> > 


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